Movies - chapter 5.

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I hurried back the bus. My mind kept wandering back to the conversation I witnessed. She seemed overwhelmed and I immediately knew that I was intruding their conversation. Were they talking about me?

I must keep a step distance from Hayley. She is making me so confused. She is just making this whole situation even more complicated.

I opened my laptop and started to scribble down some ideas that I had for my thesis. Yup. Working will keep my mind off of her.

I put in my earpods and started listening to some music. But it didn't work. My mind kept spinning around Hayley. So I wrote „Paramore" in the search bar and started to listen to some songs by them on shuffle.

Their discography was fascinating. They were so talented. And Hayley's voice was fucking perfect. As I got lost in my work and the sound of their music I didn't eve notice that the bus started moving. Until I felt a body squished next to mine. My head snapped in the direction. Hayley was grinning at me. Here we go again with the mixed signals.

Hayley then lifted her hand and pulled on of my earpods out and put it in her ear.

I blushed instantly as I realized that one of their songs were playing. It was Rose-Colored boy.

As she recognized the tune she started giggling.

„I'm sorry I swear I wasn't stalking you. It was totally work related" I tried to save myself from the embarrassment.

„Don't worry. It's cute actually." She said as she fumbled with my blanket.

„You are very talented" I told her.

She blushed and shoved me gently.

„Shut up" was all she said before she started giggling again.

„What? It's the truth. You all are so freaking talented. It's crazy... and.. the lyrics are.. on an another level Hayles" I mumbled looking in her eyes.

I felt a blush creep onto my face as I realized that used her nickname.

She gave me one of her showstopper smiles.
„Thank you. It means a lot" she said.

We fell into silence after that. Then another song started to play and I saw her smile fade instantly. I looked at the screen. A song called „Pool" started playing. She frowned and I understood immediately that she wasn't comfortable to listen to that one. I quickly hit pause and looked at her.

„I haven't listened to that one yet" I said in a calm voice. She nodded in response.

„You are free to listen to it anytime. It's just.... I still get emotional when I hear that one" she explained

„I get that. Sometimes I get emotional over my writings as well" I shrugged.

She held my gaze for what felt like eternity. Her eyes radiated a feeling I couldn't quite understand. But the knots in my stomach knew what it meant. She felt understood.

„I wish I could understand them" she mumbled under her breath. I wasn't sure if I understood it right. Why would she want to read my shitty writings?

„Well... I could always translate them to you" I mumbled with a gentle smile playing on my lips.

„I would love that" she exclaimed happily. „But only if you are comfortable with it" she added.

„Of course" I reassured her.

„Okaaay everyone. Who wants to watch a movie?" Zac said from the couch.

Hearing his words Hayley grinned at me like a child then I felt her hand intertwine with mine as she stood up and motioned us to the couch.

Communication - Hayley Williams Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora