Three words - Chapter 24.

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„Oh my. You have no idea what you got yourself into" Brian said, his eyes filled with worry.

„What do you mean" I asked, totally confused. He sighed and patted the couch.

„Well... ever since all that shit happened... these kind of events make Hayley flip out. It takes days for her to cool off. I don't think it's the best idea for you to go there and witness it... and the aftermath" he said, scratching his neck. I shook my head, now even more confused than before.

„But I wanna be there for her" I said, my voice weak.

„I know, and it's very sweet of you. I just don't want you to get hurt" he said calmly.

„Why would I get hurt? I don't understand, B"

„You haven't seen her in that state yet. But let's hope that your presence will comfort her in some way. Yeah, let's hope for the best" he said, staring at his hands. I furrowed my brows, the situation still very unclear for me. It can't be that bad, right? I decided to change the subject instead.

„Alrighty.... So the reason why I'm here is.. I'm not really sure what I should wear... I don't know how this works, the guys just told me to get ready by 8pm" I said, biting my fingernails, suddenly feeling anxious.

„Hmmm... well there's going to be a party afterwards.. so let's see..." he mumbled as he got up to look through the closet.

„Wait. A party? The guys didn't mention that" I said, feeling my stomach drop at the new information.

„Yeah.. but nothing extraordinary" he said as he rummaged through the pile of clothes.

„Hm" I hummed, getting lost in different scenarios that could happen tonight. I hope nothing bad will happen. After that stuff with TMZ we will have to be extra careful.

„Jackpot" He said, lifting a green button up. „This will go so well with your eyes. Oh yeah, look I found some trousers that go with it. Are you okay with wearing something like this?" He said, lifting a matching blackish cargo trouser.

„Yeah totally" I said, with a smile plastered on my face. „Thank you, B" I said as he handed me the clothes. He smiled at me, just shrugging.

„You welcome babes. Just be careful tonight. Pretty sure that the paps will go crazy" he said, scratching his chin, getting lost in his thoughts.

„Yeah, I thought so. I learned the hard way" I said, causing B to let out a laugh.

„Yeah, TMZ is fucking nosey. But this is going to be different. Cameras going to be everywhere, watching all of your moves. And I mean it. Everywhere. Shit gives me chills all the time, and I'm not even in the limelight" he said, shaking his head.

„That's so crazy actually. It must be so hard for the guys and Hayles" I said, slowly standing up from the couch.

„They hate it. Being in the limelight for hours totally drains them. And the fact that they have a show tomorrow just makes everything worse" Brian responded as he put his arm around my shoulder.

„I hope we can actually help them with our presence" I mumbled

„Well, we will see. Can I have a dance later tonight?" He asked, a coy smile on his face, causing me to laugh.

„Of course, B. I thought you'd never ask" I chuckled, patting his shoulder. He smirked and bowed dramatically.

„M'lady" he said, making both of us laugh out loud.

„Thank you, B. I better go and study now. I'll come over around 7:30 to get ready, is that okay with you? I asked, smiling ear to ear.

„Of course, can't wait" he said and with that we hugged goodbye and I went to the other bus.

Communication - Hayley Williams Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang