Casanova - Chapter 20.

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„WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE ALL OVER TMZ" Hannah said, her mouth hanging open.

I was sitting on a curb by the buses, talking to my best friend on the phone. I tried to tell her about my oh so eventful night before and by the time I got to the fact that Hayley had to put out a statement about the photos, my head was throbbing.

„...they even had to talk to their pr manager and all that shit. I felt terrible... because I didn't want Hayley to go through this as well in addition to a public divorce." I said, slowly massaging my temples. Hannah nodded, waiting for me to continue.

„Guess who called me" I said out of the blue. Hannah's eyebrows shot up as she thought about the possible answers.

„Did that bitch call you?" She asked, waiting for my answer.

„If by „that bitch" you mean my ex, no. Try again" I said, chewing on my callouses. I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. Hannah stayed quiet for a moment, getting lost in her thoughts. Then she frowned and looked at me.

„Was it your mom?" She asked slowly. I nodded, feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts.

„What did she want this time?" She asked, sighing.

„She... firstly she wanted money from me... then when she realized that I barely had any... then she basically told me to never come home. She called me and Hayley all types of slurs... and... she never wants to see me again, Hannah. She said I brought shame to our name" I said, feeling unshed tears in my eyes. My relationship with my mother has always been rocky but never like... this. She hated the fact that I wasn't straight and ever since I came out, she found ways to hurt me because of it. I literally moved to the other side of the country just so I could get away from them. But this time, it was different. She basically „disowned" me. I'm pretty sure she won't call me, ever again.

„Fuck her, bro!" She said, shaking her head in disbelief. „I'm so sorry, Christie. But please remember that I'm always here for you. And always will be. I don't know what I could say to make you feel better.... But I just want you to know that I love you, for you. You are the best human being in this whole world... and I wish I could take away all your pain... You don't deserve this" she said, her voice serious.

I exhaled slowly and wiped my face with my palm.

„I don't think I'm ever gonna hear from her again" my voice trembled lightly as I spoke.

„Honestly, she doesn't even deserve to see you" Hannah said slowly.

I sighed and shrugged. I knew she was right. She didn't deserve it but she was still my mother. I loved her and completely despised her at the same time.

„I don't know how to tell all of this to Hayley. I'm afraid that I would get too overwhelmed and would just cry... and... I have so much baggage, I'm afraid that it's going to be too much for her to handle.." I said, unable to look at my best friend's face.

„Christie... I don't think she would look at you any differently. It's not your fault that your mother is a dick" she said, trying to reassure me.

„But what if I'm just gonna be too much? I mean... even with my back and now... this" I said, my voice hoarse from all the talking.

„hey, calm down. Take a few deep breaths and listen to me. All you need to do is talk to her. She is going to understand. She is different. She is not.... her." Hannah said, her words echoing in my head over and over. I exhaled slowly then nodded.I knew I couldn't run this time. I owed Hayley with an explanation about what happened yesterday. It was the least I could do.

„Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot" I said, giving her a weak smile which she returned kindly.

„Anytime" she said

Communication - Hayley Williams जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें