The show must go on- chapter 11.

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I quickly put on my press pass alongside the other one. The band disappeared from backstage. I could hear the crowd screaming their names.

My head was still spinning after the kiss in the restroom. The way her soft velvet lips touched mine... she ignited something within me which I thought was long gone.

I hurried to occupy my position in front of the stage, just in the middle.

When the band appeared on the stage the crowd went nuts. The venue was full of Paramore fans who went crazy over the band.

Hayley and I briefly locked eye contact as I gave her a reassuring smile. She returned the smile and continued performing.

The show went on smoothly, everyone did their best. Hayley's dancing on the stage was mesmerizing. She was born to perform.

As I scribbled down some notes I was happy to realize that they turned out great. I already had a better grip of the show than I did last time.

When the song started playing which made Hayley leave the stage at soundcheck my heart skipped a beat. She delivered her vocals in an angelic way but I saw her getting more and more emotional as the song progressed. By the end her voice cracked again and the crowd started yelling. She just shook her head and took a deep breath then looked down at me.

I sent her a reassuring smile which she responded with a wobbly half smile.

Then „26" started to play and during the performance she lost it. She started crying and although the crowd cheered for her it just seemed to make it worse.

By this time I completely gave up taking notes. I was really concerned about Hayley. I tried to send her smiles when her gaze inevitably fell on me. But it was no use.

For the rest of the show they played dancier songs which Hayley seemed to enjoy performing. But I wasn't so sure about it now.

When their performance ended I started to go back to the green room. On the way I bumped into Brian.

„Hey hun" he said as he turned to me.

„Hey you" I said as we walked together.

„Wanna go with me to Hayley's dressing room? I always give them a couple of minutes to cool off" he said as he shoot me a kind smile.

„Of course" I said as we entered the room.

„Well that was intense" he said as we sat down to the couch.

„Yeah it was. I hope she is okay" I said as I slouched back on the couch. He shrugged.

„She'll be okay eventually. She just needs time" he said as he scratched his chin gently.

I nodded but I was confused. It was clear as day, Hayley was fighting some demons I had no idea about. She was strong, I had no doubt. But something's have been really bugging her. I kept hearing her voice crack in my head. I was getting lost in my thoughts.

„You have no idea, do you" Brian said after I realized that I had totally zoned out, staring at my shoes.

„Of what" I said not quite grasping what he meant.

„Nevermind" he said as he shook his head. I furrowed my brows but didn't pressure him.

„Did you manage to get good notes tho?" He asked, trying to change the topic.

„Yeah actually I did. I'm pretty happy about the way they turned out" I said as I showed him my notes.


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