The date 2.0 - chapter 17.

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I took a deep breath. She eyed me carefully as I tried to calm my nerves.

„Uh, well, despite being 23, I've only been in one serious relationship. Of course, I've had a couple of flings before that... but.. that relationship really took a toll on me. I haven't been with anyone since" I said as I took another sip of my wine.

She hummed in response, waiting for me to elaborate further.

„For how long were you together?" She asked hesitantly. I knew that this conversation was going to happen sooner or later, but now I feel like I'm headed to a cliff.

„We were together for three years, we even moved in together at some point. Shit, I mean, almost three years. I broke up with her the day before our anniversary" I said as I started to pick on my calluses. She furrowed her eyebrows.

„I-uh- I found out that she had been cheating on me. So yeah, it's kinda complicated" I stuttered anxiously.

„I'm so sorry. That's the worst thing. And also, breaking up after moving together just makes it even more complicated. Finding a new place to live and all that stuff while you are heartbroken is just... fucking hard man" she said as she stared into the void. I realized that she was speaking from experience.

„Well... uh. I-I still live in the same apartment... with her. But don't get me wrong, I wish I could move out. The rent is just really cheap and I couldn't afford to move to another one. It's so fucked up. I hate the fact that I have to see her every fucking day after all that shit that she had put me through! I barely go home because she is always there... I only sleep there. Luckily I have my own room tho" I rambled as I felt my heart beat out of my chest. I didn't know how she would react, confessing the fact that you still live with your ex isn't the best thing to do on a first date. Fuck.

She looked at me with wide eyes at first, but then her gaze softened. She seemed - sad?

„Gosh, that's so sad actually. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I wish I could help" she said as she intertwined our fingers.

„You are already helping. I mean, the fact that I get to travel with you guys... is the best thing ever. And you- you just made everything better. And this „thing" is the best thing that happened to me in a long time" I said as I squeezed her hand for emphasis. She rubbed her thumb over my knuckles, trying to ease my mind.

„You are the best thing that happened to us, Christie. And the best thing to happen to me too" she said as she gave me a genuine smile.

„Thank you for... uhm... understanding this situation. I was afraid that you wouldn't handle it this way. Which would've been completely understandable" I said as I felt another wave of anxiety wash over me. She exhaled slowly and shook her head while a weak smile played in her lips.

„We both have our own baggage. But I believe if we open up to each other and continue to be honest with each other then... there is nothing that we can't overcome. We just need to be patient with one another" she said as she kept eye contact with me.

„You are right. Honesty and communication is key" I said, earning a genuine smile from her.

„This wine is really great" she said as she let go of my hand and took another sip of her glass. She changed the topic effortlessly, lightening up the mood immediately. I chuckled at her and she sent me a wink in response.

But our moment was interrupted yet again as the waiter brought out our orders. He placed the fish stew with square pasta and curd cheese with sour cream in front of her and I watched her curiously. Her mouth hang open as she analyzed the dish in front of her. I ordered Hungarian cabbage stew with sour cream.

Communication - Hayley Williams Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя