The date - Chapter 16.

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„So Christie, will you go out on a date with me?" She asked anxiously. I smiled immediately and brought her lips to mine for a searing kiss.

„So is that a yes?" She asked, pulling away from me to catch her breath.

„Yes it is" I said, not being able to stop smiling. A huge smile plastered across on her face as well.

I placed a soft kiss on her forehead as she exhaled slowly. She rested her forehead against mine.

„I was so scared to ask you" she mumbled under her breath. My heart ached for her, she is the sweetest tiny person on this planet.

„Why?" I asked curiously. My hands kept roaming up and down on her back. Being able to touch her made my head spin, even if it wasn't sexual.

„Well, last time I went on a date... it was with Chad. And that was like a decade ago... and also, taking the first step is... kinda new to me. But I'm trying so hard" she said as she emphasized the last words.

„I'm glad that after our date you won't have to think of him as your last date. Another thing that you can move past" I said as I squeezed her waist, reassuring her.

„And I'm so proud of you Hayles. You are doing so great" I whispered in her ear which caused her body to shudder in my lap.

„Thank you, really. It means a lot" she said as she kissed my cheek.

„You are so brave, Hayley. But please don't feel pressured to do anything that's uncomfortable for you. I'm a patient fella" I said with a thick accent which made her chuckle.

„I just don't wanna fuck this up, you know?" She said playing with my fingers. She brought them up to her lips and kissed them one by one.

„You won't. I won't let you. You are not alone in this. Whatever this is. We don't have to label it yet" I said, feeling a blush creeping up on my neck.

„It just hard for me to comprehend you know? Like, I genuinely have to remind myself that you are not mad at me for not... not being ready" she mumbled and continued to play with my hand.

„Look, I'm not like that. I would never get mad at you for something like that. Never ever. I respect you's the bare minimum. And I'm so sorry that you feel like this but I hope that I can show you what it's like to be in a- I mean- have something that is healthy" I said, feeling my face heat up over something I almost said.

Her eyes were sparkling and full of emotion. She pulled me in a tight hug and buried her face into my neck. She sighed and kissed my neck.

„You always find the right words to say" she whispered and held me close.

I kissed the top of her head and pulled away slightly to admire her cuteness. The way she was sitting on my lap, the way her tiny body was pressed to mine. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest but I had no aim to hide it. I caught feelings for her.

„So where are you taking me?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence. She looked at me, a grin plastered over her face.

„That's for me to know and you to find out when we get there" she said smirking.

„Oh yeah? I didn't know you were a hopeless romantic, miss Williams" I said, pecking her lips.

„Mhm" she hummed as she brought my lips back to hers, for a sweet kiss. She cupped my face with her hands and caressed my cheeks with her thumbs.
I kept my hands on the small of her back as we continued to make out on the couch.

We sat there just enjoying each other's company until we heard knocking on the door. We reluctantly let go of each other as we were both out of breath for all the kissing. Hayley climbed off of my lap but her eyes never left mine. I didn't miss the moment when she touched her lips which were swollen from all the kissing. A huge grin appeared on my face. She was feeling it.

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