Shy little rabbit - chapter 12.

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I was awoken by rustling next to me. I felt the bed dip and suddenly I felt cold. I turned to my right side as I opened my eyes for a moment. Hayley was no longer next to me. I frowned quietly.

I suddenly heard soft footsteps and felt someone sit down on my bed.

„Hey you" she whispered as she put her hand to the nape of my neck and started to massage it gently.

I mumbled something incoherent in response. She chuckled softly.

„Sorry for leaving. But the guys could be here any minute" she said as I slowly opened my eyes.

She was watching me intensely. I looked at her still drowsily from sleep.

„It's okay I understand" I sighed and closed my eyes again. I searched for her other hand but instead I came in contact with her thigh. She sucked in a deep breath as I started to draw patterns where her tattooes should be. I felt goosebumps under my fingers.

„Did you sleep well though?" I asked smiling smugly. I knew what my touch did to her.

„Yeah. I actually haven't slept this well in months" she said softly as she kept massaging my neck.

„I'm glad then" I said as I smiled and finally opened my eyes.

Then we heard knocking on the door which startled us apart. Hayley shot me an apologetic look as she got up to open the door for the guys.

I sighed bitterly. I needed to talk to Hayley about us. Or whatever this is. She makes my heart melt whenever she looks at me... and the way she kisses me makes my head spin. I'm definitely catching feelings and I'm not sure that we are on the same page.

After we drank some coffee I decided to make some brunch. It was my way of saying thank you for everything. I decided to bake some traditional Hungarian pancakes as a surprise.

Hayley and the guys were sitting in the living room area as they had a meeting call. We were already on the way to our next stop - Philadelphia.

As I started to mix the ingredients the guys constantly shoot me curious looks. One time I saw Zac elbowing Hayley as he nudged his head in my direction. A smile plastered on Hayley's face as I sent them a wink in response. I saw Hayley blush.

When I put the last one in the pan, I started to stuff them. I didn't have many options, but I used Nutella on some and I also used some jam. And I found some cocoa powder so I made some with that as well.

Just by the time I rolled them up they finished with the meeting and quickly gathered around me.

„What is this? It smells amazing" Taylor said behind my shoulder. Zac stood on the other side completely blocking Hayley's view.

„Wait I can't see I'm tiny" she whined causing the boys take a step back. We chuckled at her

„These are Hungarion pancakes. You are going to love it" I said proudly as I put the plates on the table for them. Everybody sat down waiting for the further instructions.

„So on this side - these are the ones with nutella. In the middle you can find the ones with jam and on the other side are the ones with cocoa powder." I said as they listened to me.

„You don't need any cutlery for these. You just pick it up and bite" I said and demonstrated the act.

Everyone was smiling. Taylor was the one who took the first bite. I eyed him intensely. Then his eyes became big in surprise and he swallowed quickly.

„Oh. My. God. These are fucking fire. I'm never eating regular pancakes again" he said as he took another bite hungrily.

Then it was Zac's turn. He choose one with cocoa powder. When he took the first bite, he closed his eyes and let out a moan.

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