Brick by brick - Chapter 22

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A week has passed since Chad's visit. I knew Hayley needed time to process everything but I had no idea how badly it would impact her. I tried to be there for her when she needed me but I also wanted to give her space. The guys did their best to keep her company when I was busy studying. Everyone tried to help her but at the same time it felt like it was useless. Everyone was walking on eggshells around her, including me as well.

The first few days were incredibly rough for her. She cried on and off and rarely ate anything. Even if she ate something she was full after a bite or two. We were really worried about her. In fact we still are. She refused to talk about how she was feeling, bottling up everything.

She wasn't as affectionate with me as she was before it happened. I knew she tried her best though- sometimes she would sneak her hands around me for a tight hug or even give me a quick kiss. I knew this needed to go on her pace, the last thing I wanted to do was rush her. I knew she would come around eventually. I mean I hoped. I just wanted to be there for her and help her heal.

We had been on the road again for the last couple of days which meant Hayley was left alone with her thoughts a lot. Most of the times when we were watching movies she just stared at the screen, totally zoned out.


I was waken up by my phone ringing. Hayley groaned and snuggled closer to me, burying her head into my neck. She rarely slept with me since our encounter with her ex, so I was sad that our morning was ruined.

„I'm sorry Hayles I need to answer this. It's my curator" I whispered and placed a quick soft kiss on her head. I tried to get up but she didn't let me.

„Please stay" she whispered. My heart ached for her. I felt like she finally took a step forward, verbalizing what she wanted. And that thing was me, cuddling her. Honestly who could say no to that?

„As you wish baba" I said and answered my phone. She squeezed me and kissed my neck gently. I felt goosebumps arise on my neck from her kiss.

„Good morning mr Smith. How can I help you?" I asked in Hungarian, already nervous about what he wanted.

„...I just looked through your notes and let me tell you, you are incredibly behind. Your work is great and precise but you need to work harder. I want the next chapter done by the end of the day" he said, his voice free from any emotion.

I gulped loudly and felt my body tense immediately. Hayley felt it too since she started to rub calming circles on my back lazily.

„uhm okay, I can do that. It's almost done anyway I just need to edit it" I admitted and pulled Hayley closer to me. She understood what I wanted immediately as she hugged me tightly, anchoring me to reality.

„I'll be waiting" was all he said before he hung up on me. I sighed and tossed the phone away. Hayley pulled back a little bit, her eyes piercing mine.

„What's wrong? You are all tensed up" she said, her voice slightly worried.

„Ehm it's fine I'm just really behind with some uni work. Lately I uh.. I had more important things to think about than my thesis" I admitted, giving her a weak smile. She frowned lightly, probably feeling guilty.

„But Christie, studying is the most important. When you joined us on tour we promised you that we would let you study... and now I feel like we failed... I failed" she whispered, her eyes scanning mine. I shook my head, disagreeing with her.

„Hayles, you didn't fail me. I'm a grown woman, I made the decision to put my work aside for something... someone more important. It's not your fault" I said, lifting my hands to cup her face gently. She leaned into my touch instantly, causing her body to relax visibly.

Communication - Hayley Williams Where stories live. Discover now