Chaos- chapter 18.

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„What do you mean we are all over TMZ?" Hayley asked in disbelief.

My head shot up in her direction. Her face was expressionless as she slowly sat up. My thoughts were racing. My mind kept replaying every movement I made during our date. Every touch, every laugh we shared. Then I realized. The moment when Hayley almost fell.

The clicking noise.

My anxiety was higher than the ceiling. I didn't hear a word that Hayley said on the phone. We fucked it up. As I looked at Hayley, she was staring at me, a scared look on her face.

Do I have to leave now? What will happen? Did we ruin... whatever is this... before it even became... something? Thoughts like that swirled in my brain until I felt Hayley's touch on my arm. Her t-shirt was back on its place.

„Did you hear what I just said?" She said anxiously.

„Sorry- I... I must've zoned out" I apologized sincerely. She let out a sigh and shook her head.

„It's okay I get it" she said as she nervously played with my hand.

„The guys are coming over in a minute. We have to call our PR manager and... hopefully he will handle the situation" she said as she squeezed my hand for reassurance.

„Okay" was all I could muster before we heard knocking on the door. She got up eagerly to open the door for her bandmates and Brian.

Brian looked between Hayley and I, back and forth. That's when I realized our state. Hayley's hair was a mess and her t-shirt was backwards. A sly smirk appeared on his face but didn't say anything.

„We have to call David" Taylor said as he entered the bus.

„I agree" said Zac as they went to the living room area, sitting down to the couch.

They didn't even bat an eye on me. Were they angry at me? The tension was suffocating me. I cleared my throat as I scratched my neck anxiously. Hayley joined the guys in the living room. Brian sent me an apologetic look as I stood up and followed them.

Me and Brian stood awkwardly, next to each other. I felt the stress radiating from me.

„Hey, it's not that bad. Take a deep breath" he whispered to me as the band called their PR manager.

„I fucked it up, didn't I?" I asked, unshed tears in my eyes.

„It's not only your fault, you know? You are new to this world, she isn't. They will work it out" he said as he patted my back awkwardly.

„I just feel like shit. I really tried to be as cautious as I could. And I hate the fact that now Hayley has to deal with this too." I said as I watched Hayley gesturing heavily with her hands.

„We know honey. But it's not just about Hayley, you know? People will want to know who you are and why are you traveling with the band. They will stalk you. And they won't stop" he said as he turned to watch the trio.

„I can deal with that. I just wanted to keep Hayley safe. I guess I already failed" I said as I let out a sigh.

Hayley looked at me briefly and sent me a very, very weak smile.

„....maybe we should consider sending her home" David said and I felt my insides turn in response.

„No!" Hayley said rather loudly as she protested.

„I don't think that's the solution, David" Taylor said, trying to keep his calm.

„You know how this works. Rumors spread like wildfires online. After Hayley dedicated the Only Exception to someone... people were already speculating. Twitter was full of it. Now it seems like they found the answers. I would advise Christie to clear all of her social media accounts so people won't be able to dig too deep in her personal life" David said as I felt my knees go weak.

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