Sweet morning and a big question - chapter 15.

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I woke up to Hayley's alarm. I groaned and tried to turn to my other side. But soon realized that Hayley was curled up to me. Somehow we changed positions during the night and now she was snuggling my neck. I smiled to myself and felt Hayley snicker in my arms.

Her alarm rang again obnoxiously. Hayley mumbled something incoherent into my neck and I started to massage the back of her nack. She nuzzled closer and mumbled something again.

I yawned and reached for her phone to finally stop the ringing.
She not so subtly snaked her hands around my hips and planted a soft kiss on my neck. What a way to start the day.

„Good morning Hayles" I mumbled into her hair.

„mpfh" she mumbled into my neck again. I chuckled as I continued to massage her neck.

„I don't wanna get up yet" she whispered.

„And why is that exactly?" I smirked.

„Because then you will stop" she whined.

„Stop what exactly?" I smiled smugly.

„This" she whispered as she touched my hand on her neck.

„Your hands work magicly" she whispered and I cackled at her comment.

„Oh you have no idea" I whispered and I felt her face heat up. I chuckled at her reaction and she pushed me playfully. Her eyes were sparkilng as she looked at me.

„Shut uppp! I didn't mean it like that" she said, chuckling too.

„I know. But it was still amusing to see your reaction" I said as I kissed the top of her head.

„Shush" she said as she squeezed me for emphasis. I chuckled and pulled her closer. She had no idea, but being this close to her made my heart race. I wonder if I have the same effect on her. She seemed so calm and relaxed- despite all the mess that was going on. I was happy that she felt safe in my embrace- at least for now.

It was a sweet morning. But eventually we did have to get up. As soon as we felt the bus stop, Hayley groaned and let go of me. She placed a soft kiss on my cheek before I got up. I couldn't stop smiling. What a wonderful way to start the day.

I made some coffee - for the boys as well - because I knew that they could be here at any moment. As Hayley passed me by in the kitchen, her hand grazed my waist and I felt a shiver run through my body. She then proceeded to kiss the back if my neck gently. After that, she winked at me and went to the bathroom. She knew what she was doing to me.

Not long after, I heard knocking on the door and I happily let the guys in.

„Hey guys, you are just in time. I made you coffee" I said smiling at them.

„Thank God" said Taylor as he sat down in the kitchen area.

„You are actually heaven sent, you know that?" Zac said as I passed them the mugs. I chuckled at their little comments.

After a couple of minutes of just enjoying our coffee Zac cleared his throat.

„Sooo... how did it go?" He said pointing at me and the bathroom, where Hayley was. I felt myself blush immediately, avoiding their gazes.

„It went well I guess. We still need to cover a lot of topics, but you know, babysteps" I said and Taylor gave me a reassuring smile.

„I'm happy to hear that. It was heartbreaking to see how both of you misunderstood the situation" he said and I gave him a weak smile. I felt so awkward that I started to fumble with my hands, then eventually put my hair up in a loose bun just to avoid looking at them.

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