You want mama's food?

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She knows you won't like the food you want to order at the restaurant, so she makes sure to order something you like.
This is Agere at the end but it does have some sexual references and jokes before that.

"Are you sure about that?" Jenna asked, watching as you examined the menu, your gaze focused for the most part on the Pesto Spaghetti. "Last time we had it you said you didn't like it."

"I've never had it before," you frowned up at her. "When are you thinking about?"

"When I made it for dinner..."

You ignored her, setting your mind on the food item, and going on to choose a drink.

"Whatever," Jenna mumbled, looking at her own options. As much as she wanted to get the veggie delight pizza, she knew you not only hated it but wouldn't like your own food, leaving you to eat hers anyway. Forty-dollar grilled cheese and some fancy veggie soup it was then.

"Are you two ready to order?" A young waitress asked, holding a notepad in one hand.

Once you had both filled in your orders, she walked away to grab the Diet Coke for you, and Fanta for Jenna.

"How's work been?"

Jenna sighed, planting her face in her hands. "Oh my goodness don't get me started. I was talking with my director a few days ago about a costume not fitting right because it got a seem ripped or something mid-set, just asked to go see someone to fix it up or something, and he got absolutely pissed. He started ranting about how I must have lied on my measurements then and how it was impossible, and wouldn't let me explain crap."

You winced. "Same one who told you that you weren't allowed to nap on break?"

"And called me a slut outside of workplace. Still extremely unprofessional and disgusting. He's ten years older than me."

"Yeah, so rude, you're my slut," you laughed, reaching across the table and gripping her hand. "Not his."

"Mm I don't think I'm even yours," she said. "I only have one sexual partner, going definition-wise, I need more than three."

"Hm," you grinned as your drink was placed next to you, letting go of her hand and taking a sip.

"What about you? How be the working of the high-class m'lady."

"We have the same job."

"Did I stutter?"

You rolled your eyes. "Same old, working on a few stunts right now, just about knocked myself out on a desk yesterday, but it's all good. Mild bruising."

"Least they didn't make you jump off a wall and break your arm."

"You jumped too soon, they didn't have you harnessed yet."

"Mmm, no."

The conversation dragged on for a bit. Though you normally lived together, you hadn't been able to talk for around a week due to conflicting schedules.

"I think that's our food there," Jenna pointed to where the waitress was approaching.

Once the food was set in front of you, you realised your mistake.

You had never been a picky eater. Autistic with sensory issues? Yes. But you still tried to tough it out. This though? You picked up the fork, twirling some onto it and bringing it to your nose. It smelled good, but it looked...dry. You didn't want to put it into your mouth.

"You okay Y/N?" The brunette took a small bite out of her grilled cheese. It looked better.

You nodded, feeling slightly overwhelmed. You could do this, it was just some freaking food. Before you could second guess yourself again, you shoved the fork into your mouth. Slimy, but still dry, grainy, little bumps of things coated your entire tongue. A gag built up in your throat.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, here, spit it into the tissue," Jenna rushed to your side of the table with some of the napkins, holding them in front of your face.

Your whole life, there had always been one very important rule. No wasting food. You remembered from an early age the words. Finish your plate. Don't throw it out. You can cook your own food then.

Shaking your head, you chewed once. Twice. Jenna didn't move. Three times. Four. Five was a better number than four, but unfortunately, you didn't make it there, spitting the food out onto the disgustingly textured paper.

"There you go, that was a pretty bad feeling in your mouth, wasn't it," she rubbed your back, folding the tissue up and placing it in the corner of the table.

"Mhm," you nodded, feeling tears prickle your eyes. You had just wasted an entire plate basically, and now you would be hungry. All because you hadn't listened to Jenna, who probably knew you better than yourself.

"Are you feeling small?" Her voice was gentle, not even slightly mad. Safe. You nodded, trying to clear the remaining grains from your teeth.

"I thought so, can you stand up for a second, Mama's going to put you on her lap, kay?"

Her hands slipped under your arms and she pulled you up, sliding beneath you and then pulling you close.

"Do you want Mama's food? I can eat the yucky pesto, it's not as yucky to me."

You nodded, reaching out and pulling the plate over to you. Now this looked good. You split the two pieces of bread apart, ripping off the crust and dipping it in the soup before you ate it, then ate both bread slices plain.

"Done," you held out your slightly oily hands, showing them to Jenna. 

"Are you not going to eat your soup, Pup?"

You showed her your messy hands again. "Spoon get messy if touch."

"It will, do you want another napkin to wipe your hands on?"

"Mhm," you let her wipe them herself, handing you the spoon afterwards. 

"Can you hold that, or should Mama feed you." Well, those were two different questions.

"Mama," you handed it back, opening your mouth. 

"Here comes the helicopter, tika tika tika tika," she laughed, pressing the spoon into your mouth. "Is that yummy? Yeah?"

"Pumpkin," you smiled. "Pumpkin taste."

"Oh that's yummy, can I try some?"



"The towel monsters got you!" Jenna yelled, wrapping you in the monster print towel she had been chasing you with for the past five minutes. "He commands you be dry for him to let you go!"

Giggling, you let her towel you down, then toss the damp item into a nearby laundry hamper. "All dry!"

"Yes you are," she blew a raspberry against your tummy. "Shall we get you into some pyjamas, my little monster hunter?"

"Mmm, kitty pjs!" 

"Alright, can you put on your pull-up while Mama grabs them?"

"Arial one!" You pulled it from the box, sliding it over your hips and sitting down on the floor while Jenna searched the closet.

"Ah hah! She has been located."

You put your hands above your head, letting Jenna pull the fabric on, followed by your pants. "Ready for bed little dude?"

"Mmm, yeah."

Our Pjs:

I really am just going to update a book a day. Whatever book I get inspo for. Mwhahahha.

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