
287 15 9

Au'jaeuh Johnson

"You come in here out the locker room late everyday. Run, and I'm letting whoever know when you get picked up today"

Everyday is a stretch because that's a lie.

"I'll stop coming out late, but please don't tell" I begged my coach before she shook her head

"Aj we had this conversation multiple times. In fact, we have it every practice. It's either I let them know or you're done for the year"

My eyes widened because that's even worse.

"Okay, damn" I mumbled while walking away

I started running the bleachers while practically dying in the process. I'm sick of running bleachers, I'm just sick of running.

After getting the signal to stop, I joined the rest of the team. We're working at the three point line today and possibly defense.


"Every time you miss, run a lap" coach yelled before I mumbled under my breath, "There should be no reason why y'all can't make three's"

"Aj finna run some more— " Daejah said while walking by bumping my shoulder and I tripped her


Everybody started laughing as she got up. Daejah doesn't like me for some reason, so she likes to say stuff to bother me

I never say anything to her unless she speaks to me. My momma told me not to say nothing at all, but she irritates me.

Every time she say something, I just have to get the last word. I'm gonna embarrass her every time, I don't care.

At first, I was ignoring her but now I give her the attention she wants. I tried to be cordial for the sake of the team.

I don't bother anybody, so for people to bother me the way they do is crazy. It just activates a side of me that rarely ever come out.

I don't like it because that's not me.

I don't know why she has so much to say about me on the court. I'll bully her on the court if it came down to it.

"How many three's do you make per game?" I asked while coming closer, "Exactly, you know to pass the ball when you at that three point line"

"Aj you already tripped the girl, stop" Laila said while cackling and pulling me away

"That bitch bumped me, I was minding my business. I'm just saying though and you might as well not step foot on the court"

"Aj stop" another one of my teammates demanded before I shrugged

"Well, she needs to stop talking to me" I said before hearing the whistle blow, "Fuck wrong with that bitch?"

Now, I'm gonna nitpick with her the entire practice. She should've just kept her mouth shut because now I'm gonna give her another reason to not like me.

"Line up, two lines. Some with me, some with coach Powell" coach yelled while pointing at the three point line, "Let's go"

We lined up before she passed the ball to whoever was first. Once she got to me, I shot it and it went in.

While making my way to the back of the line I smirked at Daejah. She might as well run now, she know she finna miss.

I waited specifically until it was her turn to laugh.

"Airball, dummy" I yelled before laughing while seeing  her begin to run

Practice went on before it was over and I left out with my coach behind me. If she get me in trouble I'm gonna be pissed.

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