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Au'jaeuh Johnson

I flushed my pill down the toilet before sighing. My door swung open revealing my momma before my heart dropped.

"It's time to g— what you doing?"

"I was using the bathroom, why did you just walk in like that?" I asked while walking over to the sink

She was just staring at me suspiciously before glancing at the pill container.

"Angel" she yelled before I began to get nervous and she walked away still yelling, "Bae come here"

I just stood there because it's nothing that I can do. They're not dumb, so it's literally no way out of this.

I'm gonna have to accept whatever finna happen. I waited while putting my hair supplies back where it belongs.

"I'm on a call, what?" I heard my momma say while coming in my room, "And y'all need to be leaving cause she gone be late"

"I was coming in here to tell her to come on. You know she not taking that medicine?" ma said as they made their way in my bathroom

"Yes she do, I have to watch her everyday"

"No, she flushing them pills" my momma looked at me like I was crazy

"Au'jaeuh you better not be"

"I did because it's nothing wrong with me. I don't need that" I said before she sighed and they both just looked at me crazy

"It's nothing wrong with you, but that was prescribed for you to take everyday. Do you know how much we paying for that medicine?"

"That shit is expensive, just for thirty pills" ma said causing me sigh before my momma grabbed the container

She took one of them out the container before putting it in my hand.

"I'm on a important call and you got practice. Take the medicine so you can go"

"I don't want to"

"Why do I have to go back and forth with you everyday?" my momma asked now getting frustrated, "Everyday, Au'jaeuh?"

"Because I don't wanna take that"

"Take the medicine, where your water at?" ma asked before leaving out, "I'm finna go get some water"

"Jaeuh please don't work my nerves right now" my momma said while looking at me with her hand on her hip, "It's too early in the morning"

"Just let me skip today" I begged

"No, so just take the medicine and move on. You're not supposed to skip days"

Ma came back with water before I dreaded taking it. I hate this so much, I'm ready to stop taking this.

"Stop holding it in your mouth and swallow it" ma demanded before I just swallowed


"Now come on" she said before I walked out the bathroom with them behind me

"You can't have the pills in your bathroom no more. They're going in our bathroom" my momma said as I grabbed my bag

We left before I made it to practice and warmed up. I'm so irritated at the fact that I had to take that medicine.

I don't even wanna be here right now.

"Y'all bitches is so weird. What the hell be so funny?" I stopped in my tracks mugging three of the girls that was laughing

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂.Where stories live. Discover now