
235 16 0

Flau'jae Johnson

I sat up in my seat trying to figure out what the hold up was. I've been sitting in traffic for twenty minutes, and I'm getting pissed off.

Every minute that go by I get more pissed.

I'm pissed about the traffic, and people came knocking on my window. All of my cars are a target, they're foreign cars.

It's no way around it.

"I need to get over" I said before turning and looking behind me then in my side mirror

It's so many cars in front of me and behind me.

I sighed and sat back before picking up my phone and looking at the time. I'm in a rush to get nowhere but home, I'm tired.

I picked Jaeuh up from school, and made a extra stop . I don't know what's happening on this highway, but my patience running low.

I always had road rage, so this is irking me.

"I checked grades today" I said as soon as the though of Jaeuh's grades popped up in my head

"And what did you see?"

"A missing assignment in calculus" I looked at her and she was just looking confused

"I don't have a missing assignment"

"That's not what the grade book say." she was just sitting there quietly, "What you gone do?"

"I don't know"

"I'm not tripping cause you got a ninety two in the class. I just wanna know what happened"

"I don't know what assignment you talking about, ma" I sighed because i'm confused at how she don't know

"I check grades every week, maybe every two cause I trust you. You know not to let them grades slip. You should be logging into that portal every week"

"I don't know"

"Okay, stop saying you don't know cause now I'm getting agitated about it. You do realize you could've had a higher grade in that class?"

"I guess" she said nonchalantly.

"What was the grade before it dropped?"

"I don't know" I sucked my teeth frustratedly done with the conversation, "I haven't checked my grades in weeks"


"I don't know, I just do my work and turn it in"

We're not down Au'jaeuh's throat when it comes to school work. We do hold her accountable for everything, as any parent would.

She got high expectations for herself, which is to make all A's. We have high expectations too, but we understand that school can be hard.

You're gonna struggle here and there, it is what it is. It's rare for her to struggle because she pick up stuff quick.

I don't know how she do it, it's crazy to me.

If she not picking up something quick enough, she go find help. All we ask for is to not bring no D's and F's in our house.

That's it, but at the same time we know what she capable of. This girl has never had a C,D, or F, ever.

She only accept A's, and I love that for her. She get slack sometimes, and we have to pick her back up.

It don't last long though.

"Okay, Aujaeuh" I said officially leaving the conversation alone, "Yo, like have to go around these cars"

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن