~ The Forbidden Dragonet: Chapter 4 ~

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Hare had calmed down a little by the time Starflight came out of the cave with Morrowseer. Starflight walked over to the others as Morrowseer walked into the guardians' cave. Starflight looked at them, then headed for his sleeping cave. Clay hurried after him.

"He seems upset," Hare said, climbing down from her ledge and walking over to Sunny.

"I hope Morrowseer wasn't too mean to him," Sunny said, watching Clay and Starflight go into his cave.

Hare pricked her ears and heard the muffled sound of voices coming from the guardians' cave. Curious, she turned to Sunny. "Why don't you go with Clay and check on him?"

Sunny nodded and hurried off to Starflight's sleeping cave. Once her tail disappeared into the cave, Hare darted toward the guardians' cave. She crouched down and backed into the shadows outside of the cave, praying her light colors wouldn't give her away if someone happened to look out in her direction.

"This is an issue that can't go unaddressed."

That was Morrowseer's voice. Hare adjusted herself so she was able to see inside the cave. Every guardian's face was twisted in worry, except for Hvitur's.

"I don't see what must be addressed," Asha said. "It's not like we can go back in time and replace Glory with the SkyWing we were supposed to have."

Hvitur opened his mouth, but Asha quickly continued. "What's done is done. Glory is the dragonet we have, and there's nothing we can change."

"I have my ways," Morrowseer snarled. "The RainWing cannot stay."

"She must!" Rose protested. "She's the fifth dragonet."

"No, she's not," Morrowseer growled. "She does not belong here."

"Looks like there's more than dragonet that doesn't belong," Hvitur snarled, just barely loud enough to hear. Hare winced. He was talking about her.

"You need to get rid of her," the big NightWing went on.

"How exactly are we supposed to do that?" Kestrel demanded, lashing her tail.

"Isn't it obvious?" Morrowseer hissed, flicking his wing. "You must kill her."

Hare had to hold herself back from letting out her own sound of shock as Rose gasped in horror. "We can't!" the SkyWing cried.

"You don't have a choice," Morrowseer snapped. "The prophecy calls for a SkyWing, not a RainWing."

"Must everyone's destiny be written out in stone?" Asha snarled.

"No." Morrowseer flicked his tail. "Just theirs."

They can't kill Glory, I won't let them!

Hare backed further into the shadows, her eyes fixed on the guardians.

"I'll do it," Hvitur said suddenly.

"No!" Rose screeched, backing away from him. "No, we can't!"

Hvitur snapped his head around and snarled at her. "I nearly lost my life for this pathetic prophecy. I'm going to make sure it's fulfilled right."

"So you'd kill one of the dragonets you spent the last six years raising?" Kestrel hissed, her voice slowly rising to an angry screech as she stalked up to him with her wings spread furiously. "You'd put all our work to waste?"

"If Morrowseer says we must, then we will," Hvitur snapped.

Hare dug her claws into the ground. Would Hvitur really be so cruel? She knew he was mean, but she never thought of him as a murderer.

If he truly was so heartless, he'd have killed me a long time ago. Maybe he's just saying this to impress Morrowseer.

Hare had to believe that. It was the only thing that brought her any ease.

"I want the job done tonight," Morrowseer demanded. "I'll be back in the morning to make sure you carry through with it."

Hvitur dipped his head. "I won't let you down. That RainWing won't be a problem by the time the sun rises."

Kestrel bristled. "I can't believe you'd ever agree to this!" she hissed at Hvitur before turning to glare at Morrowseer. "And I can't believe you'd ever order this!"

Morrowseer ignored her and kept his attention fixed on Hvitur. "I don't expect to be disappointed," he snarled. With that, he turned and walked out of the cave.

Hare scrambled backwards, desperate to keep herself hidden from the NightWing. Dune followed slowly behind, Webs not too far away.

Hare watched them until she was sure they wouldn't notice her, then hurried away. She had to warn the others.

We can't let them hurt our friend.

Hare's head pounded as she raced through the caves.

We have to do something before we run out of time.

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