~ The Forbidden Dragonet: Chapter 10 ~

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"Why would he do that? He just threw himself at me. He killed himself! Did he want to die?"

Peril was pacing in a corner of Hare's room. Hare was lying on her bed, curled in a miserable ball.

"Queen Scarlet is angry," Peril went on. "I failed her today. I should've done something."

"What could you have done?" Hare pointed out.

"I could've pushed him off or something."

"It still would've had the same effect." Hare buried her nose deeper into her bed.

"The fights tomorrow have to be interesting," Peril said, flicking her tail and nearly setting Hare's rug on fire. "Her Majesty will be furious if they're not."

Prince Copper suddenly poked his head into the room. He looked at Peril and gave her a small nod. "Hey Peril. Do you mind if I talk to Hare for a minute?"

Peril stopped pacing and nodded. "Yeah, of course." She looked out the window. "I'll just go talk to the MudWing again."

"Clay?" Hare instantly sat up. She hadn't gone to see any of her friends yet. She felt horrible for it. "I'll come with you."

Copper's wings drooped in disappointment. "I was hoping to talk to you alone."

"You can come, too," Hare offered.

"Well then we wouldn't really be alone, would we?" Copper pointed out, looking at Peril.

"I'll keep my distance," Peril suggested. "I'll have to anyway. I won't eavesdrop."

"That's not what I mean." Copper shook his head.

"Alright." Hare hopped down from her bed. "I want to go check on Hvitur. You can talk to me on the way."

Copper sighed. "Beggars can't be choosers."

"I'll see you later?" Hare turned to look at Peril.

The copper SkyWing nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you later."

Peril bounded onto Hare's window and flew out. Hare turned back to the prince and signaled for him to follow her. "Come on."

Hare walked out of her room and into the hallway. Copper followed close behind her. Hare walked down the hall and toward the healers' cavern.

"Are you alright?" Copper asked.

"I will be," Hare replied, not looking at him.

"But are you okay right now?" Copper pressed. "You seemed really shaken up after the arena fight."

"Who wouldn't be?" Hare said. "I'll get used to it," she added. "I have to."

"I find it hard to believe any dragon could truly get used to that," Copper said, shaking his head. "I've been watching the fights since I was old enough to walk, and they still horrify me every time."

"Well surely some dragons have to get used to it," Hare pointed out. "You saw all the dragons in the crowd. If they can watch it and be unfazed, then surely I can too."

"Those dragons are sick," Copper spat. "Do you really want to be like them?"

The prince went on as Hare hesitated. "Those dragons are horrible. These fights are their source of entertainment. They enjoy horribly bloody scenes. It's cruel and awful. If you don't feel sick to your stomach when you watch a dragon die, or don't feel anything at all, then you're heartless. Cruel and horribly heartless."

Hare was silent for a moment before she responded. "You're right," she said quietly. "I don't want to be like that."

"Good." Prince Copper nodded approvingly. "I'm glad you're not as similar to your mother as I feared."

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