Chapter 3

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Joel led me through the large maze of people that milled around the set, grabbing my hand so that he wouldn't lose me in the crowd. Once we had made it to our destination, he took a key and unlocked the door in front of us, revealing an expansive clothing design room that was going to be very useful for my job.

I looked around and, much to my delight, every type of material and tool possible were set up on multiple shelves that lined the white walls, giving me everything that I needed without having to go somewhere and buy it instead.

Behind me, Joel said, "I think this workstation will be good for you. The two others are across from here, so they won't be far if you need any help or advice from them."

I set my purse down on the designing table and turned towards him. "I appreciate this so much, Joel," I smiled. "You have no idea how much this helps me."

"That was the point, Ellie," he said good-naturedly. "We wouldn't want you to have to go shopping in a place you don't know at all."

"Well, again, I appreciate it," I responded, stroking my hand along a piece of white cotton that had caught my eye immediately. The wheels were already turning in my head at how I could use it for a costume, and the first thing I thought of was Emmy and the white dress she had been wearing. She had a perfect model's body, which gave me the idea to use the cotton for a fabulous white gown that would take people's breath away.

Joel noticed my daydreaming, and he said, "I would get some rest before you start coming up with all of your brilliant ideas, Ellie. It's probably been a long day for you."

I waved him off. "I feel fine, Joel. Besides, if I don't get going, I won't be able to sleep well at night with all of the ideas swirling around in my head."

He shrugged. "Suit yourself. Just let me or anyone else know if you need something, and we'll be happy to help."

"Thank you, Joel," I said, holding both of his hands in mine. "You have no idea how important this is to me."

He smiled and replied, "You've got a gift, my darling. I want the world to see what you can do."

This made my face flush in response, but I hid it by saying, "I sure hope so, Joel. I'm going to need it for this movie."

"You will," Joel said confidently. "I have the utmost faith in you."

He then stepped away and walked out the door, leaving me alone to do my duties.

A few hours later, I had drawn the basic design for Emmy's dress, and it was coming alone nicely. It was going to be made completely out of white cotton, and the back would be laced up to fit with the corset that was surely going to be in it. I made it as comfortable as possible, however, so that Emmy wouldn't be trying to unlace it somehow when it got itchy and tight.

But just as I was about to begin sewing the dress, the exhaustion began to creep up on me like a stalker, and I felt myself yawn involuntarily as a response to it. Reluctantly, I stopped my work and put everything away neatly, then packed up my own things and left.

I walked outside, which was now covered in the darkness of night. Only a handful of people were around, and it felt like a completely different atmosphere. The frenetic energy that had been there just a few hours prior was now replaced with a stillness that made me feel calm and safe.

I was about to call Kurt for a ride back to the hotel that I was staying at, but I was stopped when I heard a familiar deep voice say, "Ms. Parker? Is that you?"

I slowly turned around to find Gerard standing a few feet away, squinting through the darkness to see me. In response, I stood like a statue and replied, "Yep. That's me."

I couldn't see his expression after my acknowledgement, but he walked over to me until we were about three feet apart. He was dressed in a puffy white shirt and black pants, donning the signature mask on his handsome face as well.

Keep it together, woman, I thought as my heart pounded in my chest. Aloud, I managed to say, "What can I do for you?"

Gerard put his hands behind his back and asked, "Could you do me a favor?"

I fussed with my fingers nervously and replied, "Um, sure."

He raised his eyebrows a bit, but he continued, "Emmy and I are working on a song right now, and Joel left for the night, so we were wondering if you could listen and give us an opinion on it."

"Me?" I gestured at myself. "I don't think I'm exactly the right person to ask."

"I know," Gerard said patiently. "But I have a feeling you'll be able to help. You seem like a very observant person that could call out a mistake, even if you're not a music buff."

I tilted my head and hesitated a moment.

Why would Gerard want me to help the two of them with a song for the movie? I was only a costume designer, nothing more. It's why I auditioned for that instead of being in the music studio. 

I was no music expert.

With a sigh, I said, "Look, I can't help you with this, Mr. Butler. My job is to design outfits, not listen and criticize music. I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone else."

Gerard's face fell the slightest bit, and I hated that I must've sounded so one-minded, but it was the truth. I could never observe music the way I observed clothing and personalities, especially because I had never done such a thing.

I apologized and turned around, walking away from him before he could say anything else.

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