Chapter 28

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I stepped out into the hall and checked to make sure that Gerard was still outside. He was leaning against the nearby wall, watching all the staff walking by. It seemed like only a few people were aware of who he was, but they didn't make much of a reaction to his presence.

I sighed in relief and walked over to him. He caught my movement out of the corner of his eye, and he glanced over at me. "Ellie," he said, rushing to me. "What happened? Is everything all right?"

"My dad is fine," I smiled. "He's expected to make a full recovery."

"Oh, darling," Gerard breathed, pulling me into a hug. "That's great."

I let him hold me for a moment, but then I separated from him and said, "He wants to meet you."

His eyebrows instantly shot up. "He's awake?"


"And he knows I'm here?"


Gerard brushed his hair back and started to look nervous. His hands were fussing with each other, and he paced a few times. Once he took a deep breath, he said, "Alright. Lead the way."

I nodded and took his sweaty hand in mine. "They're going to love you, Gerard. I promise."

He smiled tightly, indicating that he was doubtful. I didn't blame the poor guy. 

With a silent prayer, I led him to the doorway and said aloud, "Mom, Dad, this is Gerard."

They both looked over at me, and their mouths dropped open in unison. My mom's eyes were as big as dinner plates, and my dad's heart rate picked up quite a bit. Oh, what have you done?  a voice chided in my head. You're literally going to kill your dad from shock.

Gerard gave a small smile and politely said, "Hello."

It was so quiet that you could practically hear a pin dropping from a mile away, and I was starting to get worried. You're screwed.

My mom was the first one to say something. "Ellie, what is Gerard Butler doing here?" she asked, emphasizing her words slowly.

I laughed nervously and stuttered out, "He's my, uh, he's my...boyfriend."

Their faces stretched out even longer than I thought possible, and I wanted to curl up into a ball so I could hide from the beratement that I knew was coming my way. How could I have been so foolish to think that they would accept him as my boyfriend? 

I began to push Gerard out of the room in shame, but I was stopped when Dad said, "Let him stay, Ellie."

I bit my lip and did as he wished. I could literally feel my skin going white from the anxiety I was feeling in that moment, and I wanted to run so badly. Dad stared at the two of us with an expression I could not decipher, and then he asked, "Did you two meet during the production?"

I nodded. "It's still going right now, but Gerard wanted to come so he could support me."

"You left in the middle of filming?" Mom raised her eyebrows. "How did you do that?"

"Joel Schumacher, our director, gave me permission," he replied. "He's aware of our relationship."

There was a beat, and then Dad asked, "How long have you two been together?"

"About two weeks," I said, shifting on my feet.

"Did anything with him?"

"Andrew!" Mom chided, smacking his arm. "That is none of your business."

"I'm her father, dear," Dad replied. "It kind of is my business."

He then looked back over at me, expectantly waiting for an answer. After about two minutes of deep breathing, I nodded ever so slightly.

"You did?!" they both exclaimed in unison.

"Yes," I said through gritted teeth. "Quiet down before someone hears you."

Gerard was doing his best to hold in the smile that was clearly forming on his lips, but it wasn't working. I smacked his chest and said, "Stop smiling, Gerard."

"Sorry," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at my parents. My mom had a delighted look on her face, while my dad had a shocked expression. She rushed over to Gerard and placed her elegant fingers on his cheeks. "My daughter is in love with you!" she said, jumping up and down. "She's been crushing on you for years."

"Is that so?" he asked with a smirk while glancing over at me. 

"Yes," she replied, her eyes sparkling with glee. "And her back?"

"More than you could know," Gerard replied, leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

I blushed wildly and stared at the tiled floor below me, praying that Dad felt the same excitement that my Mom was feeling. When I brought my eyes back up, I could see him looking at me with a small smile. "Mr. Butler," he spoke up. "Can I speak with you?"

Gerard looked over and replied, "Yes, sir."

He walked to the left side of the bed and sat down. My dad straightened his posture and began his "father lecture". 

"Why have you taken an interest in my daughter?" he asked with a firm tone.

"Mr. Parker," Gerard confidently started. "Ellie is the most amazing young woman I have ever met. Not only is she physically beautiful; she is kind and passionate, which shows through her outfits that she made on the set. I would give anything to spend the rest of my life with her."

Dad nodded, processing his words. "Would you stay with her through thick and thin?"

"Yes," he replied. "I will love and protect her like no one else ever has."

I could tell my mother wanted to say something, but she stayed silent while my father thought deeply about Gerard's response. It felt like ages had passed before he asked, "Ellie, are you convinced that he loves you for you?"

"Yes," I nodded. "He has saved me on multiple occasions, from my anxiety attacks to a cruel seamstress on set."

"You were bullied?" Mom said with furrowed brows.

"A bit," I shrugged. "But it would've been worse if Gerard hadn't been there to stop her."

Dad glanced back over at Gerard. "Is this true?"

He nodded. "I was not going to let Charlotte hurt her in any way. Ellie is my responsibility."

My father bit his lip, and I was worried that he didn't like our answers, but he calmed my nerves when he said, "I believe you are a good man, Mr. Butler, and I accept your wish to be with my daughter."

Gerard smiled widely. "You do?"

"Yes," Dad replied. "Besides, I don't think Ellie would've been very happy if I said 'no'."

I glared at him and rolled my eyes. "That's not true."

"Right," he drawled out. "Whatever you say, sweetie."

I ignored him and hugged Gerard tightly, burying my face into his shoulder. Everything was, finally, right with the world.

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