Chapter 6

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When we walked into the grand room, it was completely empty and dark, with only a few lights turned on. It was so quiet that you could hear our footsteps as we walked along the tiled floor.

Gerard sat down on the stage and grabbed a piece of paper that had lyrics written on it. I sat down as well, but kept myself at a far distance from him. Props and clothes were sitting on the stage, waiting to be used the following day for whatever scene they were going to film. 

Like a kid, I swung my legs back and forth, admiring how truly beautiful the room was. It would never get old, no matter how many times I stepped in.

I was broken out of my trance when Gerard asked politely, "Is it okay if I sing, or would you like me to wait?"

"No, it's okay," I said, looking back at him. "Go right ahead. Just let me know if I'm bothering you."

He shook his head and smiled. "You're not."

My face heated up like an oven, and I glanced away to hide the crimson growing on my cheeks. He chuckled a bit, then cleared his throat as he began to sing.

Everything seemed to come to a standstill when Gerard's deep, gruffy voice emerged into the silent room. Words failed as he sang, and my respiratory system about gave out whenever he would glance at me.

At one point, while he was singing the lyrics, "Softly, deftly music shall caress you",  his green eyes landed on my blue ones, and he gave me a small smile. My dimples came out as I smiled back like an idiot, and I immediately felt foolish at how ridiculous I must've appeared to him. Gerard did not express those kinds of thoughts, and I was somewhat comforted by it, but I still felt nervous beyond belief. 

This was my biggest celebrity crush sitting in front of me, singing a beautiful love song that would make any girl swoon, and he was looking at me like I was something special to him.

Cut it out, a little voice said, annoyed. You're just believing what you want to believe.

With that thought, I broke out of my lovestruck fantasy and straightened myself out, locking up my heart tightly. There was no room for love in this business, and besides, why would a famous celebrity such as Gerard ever fall for me? It was impossible.

I was too plain and boring to be loved by someone of his status.

Inhaling deeply, I watched Gerard with observance, but my teenage dreams were gone, so I was left with a somewhat blank feeling in my body. No room for love, Ellie.

When he finished, I gave a polite round of applause and said, "That was wonderful, Gerard. You truly are a gifted person."

He nodded and said, "Thank you. I do my best."

I gave a little smile, then hopped off of the stage and grabbed my purse. "I should probably get going," I said quietly. "Big day tomorrow."

Gerard stood up and nodded. "Good idea. I'll be leaving in a bit if you want to stay."

"No, it's fine," I shook my head. "I'm tired and should get some sleep."

"Okay," he said, something like disappointment in his voice. "I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

I nodded and replied, "Maybe. Good night, Gerard."

"Good night, Ellie," he said, sitting back down on the stage.

I walked away from him again, and the immense feeling of guilt returned like a dark cloud over my head.

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