Chapter 10

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The next day had been a blur as I began my next project, which was another outfit for Emmy. I had noticed that most of Gerard's outfits had already been designed, so I focused on her gowns instead. 

When I had explained it to Joel, he had understood the situation and was fine with me working on Emmy's costumes, so there I was, making what I hoped would be another masterpiece. 

I began to sew the skirt part of the outfit when I heard an insistent knock on the door. Confused, I opened it and was met with an unfamiliar face.

It was a young woman, probably in her mid-20s, with platinum-blond hair and full, red lips. She had striking green eyes, and her body was as slender as a railroad track. Her features were beautiful for sure, and I imagined her walking down the Hollywood Boulevard with men drooling at her feet.

"Hello," I drawled out slowly, my brows furrowed. "How may I help you?"

"Hi!" she greeted in a heavy British accent. "I'm afraid we haven't met before. My name's Charlotte Banks, and I'm one of the fellow costume designers."

My eyes had widened. She was one of the costume designers? She looked like she could've been a super-model on the cover of Vogue magazine, and someone who hadn't worked a day in her life.

"Oh. It's nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand for her to shake, but she had ignored me and pushed past without an invitation.

How rude, I thought to myself, but I kept my composure calm and watched her as she checked out the pink skirt lying on the sewing table.

"This is lovely," Charlotte stated, running her hand along it. "Who is this for?"

"Ms. Rossum," I replied. "It'll be main outfit during the 'Masquerade' scene."

She glanced up at me, confused. "I'm sorry, but did you say this is for the 'Masquerade' scene?"

I nodded. "Yes. Why?"

Charlotte stood up to full height and said, "Joel already assigned me to that job, Ms. Parker. There's an outfit waiting for her that I'm going to present an hour from now."

I was struck by two things: one, how did she know my name when I hadn't even introduced myself to her, and two, why had Joel given her the same job as me? 

It must've been a mix-up.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding, Ms. Banks," I said as patiently as possible. "He gave me this job when I came here a few days ago."

Charlotte squinted her green eyes at me, almost as if she were looking for something that I didn't have in me. Then, she stated quietly, "I'll have to talk to Joel about this." 

With a flip of her hair, she walked toward me, looked me over from head to toe, and said, "You sure don't look like you belong here."

My mouth dropped open. Was she serious

The disbelief on my face showed in my tone when I asked, "There's a look?"

She nodded. "Of course. In this business, you have to look like me in order to get what you want."

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that's how it works, Ms. Banks. You have to work hard in order to reach your dreams."

"Well, you were certainly raised wrong, weren't you?" Charlotte scoffed. "I actually feel pity for you." She then turned on her heel and walked out, leaving me stunned, confused, and angry.

I hadn't understood why Joel had given us the same jobs for Emmy when he had specifically given it to me. He had said so himself.

My hands were clenched in fists so tightly that I thought I was going to cut my palms open with my nails. What am I supposed to do it? I thought in distress. I can't tell Joel that one of our designers is a snake. He'd never believe me.

Then, a lightbulb had gone off in my head. The room across from the sound stage.

I quickly packed my materials up, stuffed the skirt safely away, then ran to my destination.

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