Chapter 22

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(Another make-out session lol)

The evening could not come fast enough. Gerard and I spent the entire day stealing glances at each other, and it was torturous. 

His little smile would send me head over heels, and it would make me dizzy (I mean, have you seen the guy?). But I would eventually shake it off and, ever so reluctantly, get back to my job.

My outfits had been a little more ordinary than my previous ones, but that was only because they were for the ensemble cast, who's costumes represented being poorer than characters like Christine or Raoul. It was kind of nice to not have the pressure of making a show-stopping outfit, but I did miss the glamour, which was being handled by the other designer, Mia.

Since Charlotte had been fired, Joel had assigned the two of us to switch roles in the costumes department so that it would be fair. We had both agreed to it, and I was enjoying the transition.

Eventually, after what felt like centuries, 8 P.M. had arrived, and I couldn't have been more excited in my life. I called Kurt and let him know that it was going to be Gerard and I again. The smirk in his voice had been evident when he said, "I'll be there in no time, Ms. Parker."

I waited outside by the entrance/exit to Pinewood Studios, looking up at the beautiful night sky. The stars twinkled like billions of fireflies in the dark blue sea, and it reminded me of a painting that was hanging in my apartment bedroom. I suddenly felt a bit homesick, and I was going to call my parents to say hi, but I was interrupted when a familiar pair of strong arms snuck around my waist.

"Hello, my Angel," Gerard greeted, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Hi," I said back quietly, still feeling shy like any normal person would around a celebrity.

"You look beautiful," he smiled. "Well, you always look beautiful."

I blushed and patted his arm. "Thanks."

We stood in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company. He nuzzled his nose into my hair, making me giggle like a little girl, and he smiled in response. "Somebody's ticklish," Gerard chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, that's a bit of problem with me," I shrugged sheepishly. "My parents would give me tickle attacks until I begged them to stop."

He nodded, processing my words. "That's good to know."

I turned around and faced him, pointing my finger as I said, "I'm not going to let you do that."

"Oh, really?" Gerard smirked, raising an eyebrow. "And who's gonna stop me?"

"I will," I replied with sass. 

"I'd like to see you try," he muttered, leaning close to my face.

I gave him a serious look to show that I was not kidding about it. "Don't," I said, placing a hand on his chest to stop him.

Gerard sighed dramatically and put his hands up in surrender. "Fine. I won't do anything."

"Do you swear?" I questioned.

"I swear," he smiled, putting a hand over his heart.

"Prove it, then," I said while crossing my arms.

He looked flabbergasted for a moment, but the lightbulb switched on quickly, and he responded with, "Okay, I will."

Gerard then leaned down and kissed me softly. All my doubts vanished in thin air as he moved his lips ever so slightly on mine, and when he separated from me, I breathlessly said, "That'll work."

He grinned triumphantly and rested his forehead on mine. "That's what I thought."

I chuckled and stroked his broad shoulders gently, enjoying his closeness. His touch was still the most soothing thing to me, and all I wanted was to be in contact with him every day. "Can you hold me?" I asked in a small voice.

Gerard smiled and embraced me tightly, holding my body impossibly closer to his chest. He peppered little kisses on my head, making me feel warm and safe in his arms. "I'll hold you for the rest of my life, Ellie," he whispered against my hair. "Don't you worry."

"I'm not," I mumbled into his shirt.

A few minutes passed before Kurt showed up, and Gerard opened the car door like a true gentleman. He slid in behind me and rested his hand on my thigh, sending chills throughout my body. As we drove off, I noticed that the little window by the driver's seat was closed, and I was confused. But then, I realized what Kurt was up to.

He was giving us privacy

Reading me as usual, Gerard glanced over and said, "I think he knows."

"No duh," I replied, shaking my head. "He could've warned me at least."

"But that would've ruined the surprise," he whispered, getting closer to me.

It was then that I realized Gerard wasn't wearing a seatbelt, making me blush harder. He really wanted to get it going back there.

Once I swallowed and collected myself, I asked in a quivering voice, "Well, what're you waiting for?"

He smiled and unbuckled my seatbelt, scooting closer until our noses were practically touching. In no time at all, his lips collided with mine in a heated, passionate kiss. 

I barely had time to breathe before Gerard opened my mouth with his tongue, dominating me like I wanted him to. His arms were firmly around my waist as he pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. My hands wandered up his shirt to feel the muscles tensing underneath, our skin electric against each other.

Since the back seat was long and wide enough, he decided to lay me down on it. Gerard hovered over me with a wild grin, and he reignited the kiss in pure lust. I tried to keep up with his fast-moving lips, but he stumped me when he went to my neck and sucked at my skin like I was some type of dessert.

A moan uncontrollably came out of me while he hit my weak spot again and again, sending me into a tizzy. His hot breath fanned across my lips as he reconnected our kiss. "Told you I was gonna love you," Gerard smiled, grinding his hips and making me gasp. "And this is just the beginning."

He didn't give me time to respond before he made his way to my jawline, kissing it with hunger. I gripped his hair and let him love me, reveling in his affection.

The last 20 minutes were a make-out session for the ages, Gerard giving me indescribable amounts of euphoric bliss as he touched me with passion and affection.

Kurt let us out of the car without saying a word, and we could barely keep our hands off of each other while we made our way to the hotel.

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