Chapter 8

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Emmy decided that she wanted to show off my work to everybody, so she led me and Joel to the sound stage. When we entered, my stomach dropped to my feet in an instant.

Standing inside the room were hundreds of staff and cast, all looking in our direction. The thousands of pairs of eyes that landed on me made my heart stop beating altogether, and I wanted to run from the overwhelming anxiety that was consuming me. But I had to stand strong and look professional towards them, so I stayed put.

"Everyone!" Emmy called, grabbing their attention (though I think it was already there when she walked in). "I would like you to meet Ms. Ellie Parker, our newest edition to the family."

A chorus of "Hello's" echoed through the room in unison, and my hands began to shake at my sides. All I could manage was a stupid wave, and I was about ready to run when Joel came up next to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's alright," he whispered to me. "Don't be afraid."

I nodded and darted my eyes around the room, not looking at one person in order to stay calm. Then, Joel said, "You see the dress that Emmy is wearing?" 

Everybody nodded, and he continued. "This was made in a day by this fabulous young woman right here. Ellie has a talent unlike anything I've ever seen, and I wish for her to be treated like a queen around here. Will you guys do that for me?"

I flinched at Joel's words. 

I did not want to be treated like a queen. All I wanted was to do my job and succeed at it, nothing more. So I shrugged his hand off and said quietly, "Do not tell them that. I'm not royalty."

He raised an eyebrow and said nothing. I guess he thought I was.

Annoyed, I stepped forward and said, "You do not  have to treat me like a queen. I'm as human as any of you, and I would like to be treated as such. All I would like is to do my job around here, and that's it."

I may have sounded crude, but I was going to be truthful, whether they liked it or not. I turned around and walked out, not listening to Joel as he called my name.

A few minutes later, I walked to a room that was across from the sound stage. Thankfully, it was completely empty, so I sat down in a shadowy corner and hid myself. The humiliation that coursed through me was unpleasant, and I couldn't believe that my best day had gone to my worst day in the blink of an eye.

The staff were going to think I was some sort of snob that looked down upon them because I was, "supposedly", better, which was not true. The actors and staff on the project had years of experience and talent under their belts, where as I was a yearning clothing designer that had to work really hard in order to reach my goal. 

This sucks, I thought to myself with a frown, and I rested my head on my arms.

Not even a minute had passed before I heard a slight shuffle from across the room, and my head perked up in response, but I did not make any sounds, for I wanted to be left alone. I could just make out someone's shadow, and my breathing ceased to exist when I heard an all-too familiar voice say, "Hello? Is anyone here?"


I exhaled quietly and decided that I was going to leave. I did not want to embarrass myself any further than I already had.

I carefully slid out of the shadows and slowly avoided Gerard's sight as I practically tip-toed away from him. I was almost to the front door when I heard him say behind me, "Ellie?"

I grimaced and squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe I can disappear, I foolishly thought. Another voice said, You idiot! You can't possibly do that.

I turned around and faced him, my hands clenched from the awkwardness of the situation. Why were we always running into each other? It was getting old for me, real fast. "Hi," I said moronically, and I instantly chided myself for it.

Gerard's brows were furrowed in confusion as he asked, "What are you doing here by yourself?"

I chuckled nervously. "Oh, nothing. Just...hanging around." Nice going.

He tilted his head and walked over to me. His dark wig was combed back, he was dressed in an all-black suit that had a bit of red in the middle, and the left side of his face was completely covered with the Phantom's iconic mask. I wanted to run my fingers down the cold porcelain, but I thought twice and kept my arms firmly at my sides. 

"You look tired," Gerard said quietly, looking me up and down in what appeared to be concern. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I replied a bit too quickly. Then, with a deep breath, I said, "I'm alright, Gerard. There's nothing to worry about."

I turned to walk away, but he gently grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I sucked in a breath at the contact of his leather glove on my skin, feeling a bit nervous at our proximity.

"Ellie," Gerard said. "You can trust me. This'll be between the two of us."

For some reason, his words softened me up, and I stopped pulling away. His fingers soon slid through my own, and he led me back over to the corner. I sat down first, and then he came next to me, his hand not leaving mine.

"Now, tell me what's happened," he said, focusing all his attention on me. "I want to help you."

I sighed and glanced down at my lap, noticing how our hands were still interlocked. Surely, he would've let go by then, but no. He was just holding my hand like it was the most natural thing in the world, while I was freaking out on the inside at him touching me.

I cleared my thoughts and said simply, "I'm humiliated."

Gerard paused for a moment, then asked, "Why is that?"

I bit my lip before answering, "Well, Joel and Emmy showed me off at the sound stage in front of hundreds of people because of that dress, and Joel expected them to treat me like royalty, but that's not what I want. Besides, I'm not that talented enough to be called a 'queen.'"

"Is that how you think of yourself?" he asked, but without judgement.

"Yes, because it's the truth," I stated. "I'm not like you, or Emmy, or even Joel. You have talents that are beyond my imagination, whereas I'm an amateur clothing designer that's searching for a career. I wouldn't call that 'talent.'"

"I would," Gerard said softly. "I don't believe you to be an amateur, especially because you completed that magnificent gown in a few hours, and it was only your second day here! You are talented, Ellie, whether you see it or not."

I braved a glance at him, and I could tell that he was being sincere with his words. Grateful, I gave him a little smile, and he smiled back, inching his gloved thumb along my knuckles. 

Play it cool, I thought, my heart beating a million miles per hour. You're going to give yourself a heart attack.

A moment passed, then Gerard asked, "Do you dance?"

I furrowed my brows. "Not really. Why do you ask?"

He thought for a second, then said, "Come with me." He stood up and led me to the large dance floor. 

(To be continued)

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