Chapter 6 - We All Are Stubborn

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Most of time Sam is at Mon's place, technically they are not living together but they saw eachother every single day.
Little Sam always asked for her Dada's whereabouts if Sam is not with them.

Sam always drive Mon and their daughter till school, then Mon insisted that she wanted to go to her work place by bus, Sam want to dropped her too but, she just do what Mon told her.

But for coming back, Sam insisted that Mon should come with her as the store is on the way from her office to school, and even they are going to same destination. Then they will pick up their daughter, then Sam will dropped at their place, but most of time she stay there.
That is their current arrangement.

Sam spend lots of time with them, so Mon asked if she doesn't have any work to do.
Sam just ignored the question.
She thought she can do whatever she want, she own the company.

Sam just want to spend her time with her daughter and the bonus point is, she can see her daughter's mother too.

There is no peace, when two Sam meet. Mon just let them be, she doesn't want to be part of their madness.

Mon is just laying on the bed, looking some memes on her phone.
Suddenly, Sam ran towards the bedroom, climbed up the bed and lay next to Mon, pulled up the duvet, Mon looked at her
"What is it Khun Sam?"

After a few seconds, Little Sam came towards the bedroom looking around the corner, Mon came to know they are playing hide and seek, she just ignored continued what she was doing earlier.

"Mama, you see Dada?"
"No, baby" Mon just answered plainly

"Dada, where are you?"
Little Sam called then she looked under the bed, then she went out of the bedroom.

"Khun Sam, what is this?" Mon asked
"What Mon? we are playing"
"What kind of game? And how old are you?"
"Monn, its hide and seek, don't you know"

Mon just rolled her eyes, Little Sam is calling Sam in the living room. Mon try to take rest but, they doesn't let her. So she called her daughter
"Sam baby, your Dada is...."

She couldn't complete her sentence as Sam cover her mouth and covered both of them with duvet. Mon try to move but Sam is on top of her, hold her body not to move.

Little Sam came towards the bedroom calling her Mama, but she didn't saw her Mama too, so she left the room.

Mon is angry and felt awkward at same time, she gather all her energy, move her head and bite Sam's hand,

"Ahhhh Mon" Sam removed her hand immediately from Mon's mouth

Then Mon just kicked her out of the bed, Sam fall off the bed, due to balance loss.

She plopped on her ass at the foot of the bed.

"Baby, your Dada is here" Mon called their daughter
"Oiii Monnn you are so bad" Sam just protest

Little Sam just run towards them

"Ohhh I found you Dada, hahaha"
Little Sam just laught at Sam pointing her forefinger on Sam, who is on her ass at the foot of the bed.

"Yeahh, You found me"
"Where is my chocolate "
"Heyy how many chocolate you ate today?"
"That's enough"
"No no no"

Mon know there will be no peace here

"Hey you two"

Both looked at her, she continues
"Stopped whatever you two are doing, I need some rest here"

Both sigh,
"Ok lets go princess, we will just watch cartoon" Sam said standing on her feet,
"Ok" Little Sam moved her feet out of bedroom

Before Sam left the room, she saw her hand to Mon, Mon saw bite mark on side of Sam's hand.

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