s i x t e e n

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A/N- this will mostly be giving you a small insight on marsai's past.

marisai's pov

"what are you doing with him?" i asked as my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, i heard the other line go silent before he responded.

"marsai who's trying to kill you?" he asked seriously, i stayed quiet at the question since i honestly didn't really know what this was all about.

"it doesn't even matter, do you remember who you really are?" he asked sending chills down my spine at the question.

"i know you try your hardest to erase the past, but the marsai i knew wouldn't let herself or anyone around her even be in harms way" he preached seriously "you are the fucking harm"

"no please" thirteen year old marsai heard faintly causing her eyes to immediately snap open at the sound of her sister's voice.

she quietly creeped out of the bed and tip toes out of her room to not wake anyone up. She figured her sister was just having another nightmare but she always checked up in her. she quietly opened her sister's room door without a sound but was in shock at the scene before her.

their step father, morgan was in her sister's bed, who was only fifteen at the time. She watched as his body moved on top of her making her sick to her stomach.

Since it was only the three of them in the house there was no one that she could call. Her brother james still hadn't made it home and her mother was working a late shift. She quietly ran down the stairs and grabbed the biggest knife she should get her hands on before she quickly ran back up the stairs.

She creeped into the room as her sister bianca looked over to the side, obviously out of it and saw her sister. Marsai put her finger over her lips before she swiftly ran over to the bed and used all of her strength to dig the knife into his back causing him to scream.

She removed it, and did it again, and again, and again until he was no longer screaming. But, something about it brought satisfaction to her so she continued stabbing him although he was already gone.

Next thing she knew she felt a pair of hands grab her and throw her on the bed. she looked up to see her older brother james, who was seventeen at the time.

James looked around and observed the scene before the pieces started clicking together and he looked at his younger sister.

but marsai was still in shock by what she had just done, but she loved the feeling.

"do you remember that night he hurt bianca? he was never able to hurt her again" james said trying to tap his sister into her inner demon.

"remember those guys who tried to kill dad?" he asked still trying to provoke her.

"stay here i'll be back" her father, monte told her, fifteen year old marsai just nodded and sat back in the seat.

"can you get me a twix?" she asked with a smile causing her dad to smile back. "yeah" he nodded before he closed the door. 

marsai watched as her dad walked in and out of the store with a black duffle bag and her twix but as soon as he walked out three guys came out of nowhere with gun causing her to sit up in alert immediately.

"Don't do it" monte said, he messed up by not grabbing his gun he felt like he wasn't even gonna be ten seconds in the store so it should've been good.

"nigga you think we gonna let you go after killing our potna?" one of the masked guys said but monte couldn't even focus on them. All he could think about is how his daughter was about to witness her father being killed, He tried his best not to look in her direction because he definitely didn't want the burden of him helplessly looking at her before his life was taken.

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