003┆now spill

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°• 🥀 ________  # 003┆CHAPTER THREE...!


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▬ IT WAS WEIRD. Cori couldn't tell if she was comforted by the familiarity of the Cullens or if she felt like she was imposing. Not that they had intentionally made her feel that way. Esme had greeted her with a warm smile and a hug. Carlisle offered that kind, doctor smile she knew he had spent years perfecting, before asking how she was doing.

Rosalie offered up a small smile and a wave, but kept her distance. Travis, he was like a kid seeing his best friend for the first time in years, when it had merely been a couple of months. He had rushed towards her, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around. She had almost forgotten how much of a goofball he was, and she smiled a little as she wrapped her arms around him. Alice and Jasper merely smiled and waved, the latter knowing just how awkward she felt.

And when Emmett saw her, he stopped in his tracks. It was the first time in months and his heart would've stopped if it still beat. He couldn't stop his smile from growing as he neared her. She, too, wore a smile but while his was wide, hers was just the smallest bit uncomfortable.

How are you supposed to feel when you see your ex-boyfriend? Especially after knowing what he was and everything that happened?

"Hey." He greeted, there was a bit of awkward tension in the air but he chose to ignore it.

"Hey." She hummed, smiling up at him as her hand toyed with the skirt of the dress she wore. She wished she had a hand to hold and at that point she would've settled for anyone's hand.

He fought the urge to reach out and take her hand, so he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "How have you-" Before he could even get the question out, Alice was dragging Bella down the stairs and Edward trailed behind them.

"Sorry about all of this." Carlisle smiled at the birthday girl. "We tried to rein Alice in."

"As if it were possible." Esme chuckled before wrapping her arms around the human. "Happy birthday, Bella."

"Thanks." Bella mumbled, uncomfortable with the attention and that only melted into confusion when a flash went off.

Alice smiled as she held up a camera, "I found it in your bag, you mind?" And Bella shook her head, then her eyes landed on Cori as she made her way across the room like she was trying to get away from everyone. Then she looked up at Emmett, who was watching Cori as she leaned against the wall, her fingers weaving in and out of each other as she looked around the room.

The biggest Cullen let out a needless breath and plastered on a smile, he didn't want to ruin the party, then he made his way towards Edward. "Dating an older woman." He smirked, clearly amused with himself. "Hot." Edward merely shook his head and scoffed, but he knew he was trying to keep his mind off of Cori.

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