Chapter 2

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I saw the building on Paffington Road before I was approaching it. It was a white building, with flaky walls and a color-lacking Jaguar mascot logo on the tall billboard. Have public schools ever heard about individual creativity? I thought. I guess I wasn't used to it. I did come from another planet where all of the pupils where allowed to put up artwork in there Education Facility, well, as long as the directors thought it was appropriate.

I was locking my bike onto the metallic post (I was informed later that it was called a 'bike rack') when suddenly a roaring loud buzzing sound went off above my head. Immediately i jumped back and then saw everyone heading into the building. Calm down, I told myself, a little angry for being so paranoid. It's just a bell, I thought. As I walked through the newly painted baby blue doors, I was attempting to be unaware that everyone in my midst was starring at me with wondering eyes. 


I went to the office, which was conveniently placed at the front of the school, therefore I would be with less of the  'Hey, dude! It's a new girl!' kind of kids. There where maroon and gold colored  (I'm guessing they are the schools team colors) sofa chairs and a couch, beside the entrance. I gingerly walked to the secretary's desk, unaware of what to ask. A couple kids where before me, so I had time to plan my conversation. I would just tell her I'm new here and was wondering if I could speak with the principal, as I did not know which room was his, or even his name.

 Oh,  forgot to mention, its a French Immersion school, so everyone hear knows English as their first language, but they are now learning proper French.

 The woman behind the desk, (who looked to be in her late forties with sleek brown hair and kind blue eyes behind a pair of glasses) kindly said hello in French. "Hi, this is my first day attending Ecole George McNowell, and I was wondering if I could speak to the Principal." I replied, in French of course. She pointed to a man beside a wooden door who smiled to me-"Hello, are you Ebony Rimal?" He asked in what I thought was a very polite tone, well, compared to my previous Principals. I nodded. "Come have a seat." He motioned towards a white chair in his office. I went inside. "Welcome to Ecole George McNowell! I think we notified your guardian that you are in 7E, Miss Lénal's class. In my opinion, she is a very... friendly, so she will most likely help you out and then seat you with a student who will help you get to know the school. I must say, her class is not very big, as I had a few difficulties with the class planning system; there are 15 other students in your class. Your Math teacher is Miss Derbé, and your French and Social Studies teacher is Mr. Sorel. If you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to speak to me or Miss Lénal. I will now let you go to your class, room 10. (he handed me a map) Just follow the hallway to the right past the Library, hang a right again, and just keep going in till you see the class. Oh, and your locker number is 13, but Miss Lénal will help you with that." I thanked him, and headed down the maroon painted hall, past a library window where I did a double take and excitedly stared down all the shelves of awesome books, which(hopefully!) I could one day go in and meet/read all of the stories.

I didn't know it yet, but I would soon meet wonderful people...who would later on would risk there lives for me, and I would do the same, in a perilous situation.

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