Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it.

King Lyonx has destroyed tons of society's, torn tons of families apart (unlike my own) in order to devise his plan and recreate our planet into some horrendous work facility and regain his power.

I barely know anything about him and his plans, (a the ruler of your planet who tore your life apart is a suprisingly touchy subject for my mom to talk about...I wonder why) but I know he has wanted to capture me and my sister for years in order to gain some of the most precious powers; twin powers.

But why is he trying to capture me now, when he has had years to do it? Is it possible that his servants hadn't been able to track me down until now? Or are these servants (who look my age) the only ones who volunteered for the job?

That's when the circling thoughts finally cleared as a light bulb flashed inside my head.

How could I have forgotten? The only people on his side that would be able to travel here are the servants who haven't developed their powers.

Mom told me in confidence that the citizens who did not get imprisoned by Lionx captured all of the space crafts that enabled people other than those who have not developed their powers to travel on them, but they have to be seduced into a temporary coma in order to safely travel through such lengths....

The dilemma is that if you have developed all of your powers and you are travelling at such high velocities in the space craft, your powers will surge waves of electricity and can fry your body.

The space craft that enables people with developed powers has to get them into a coma state(with a someone who hasn't developed their powers as a driver)... its the only way.

But Lionx doesn't have the advanced crafts, so these kids couldn't have developed their powers yet, but I have....

They where still expecting me to answer through all of this. I smirked and shook my head."You 4 and Lionx have to be utterly stupid to believe I would do this." The bulky one had began to lunge for me, aware of my tactic, but it was to late. I caught him off balance with a strong punch, and through a sheet of water to his neck which knocked him out cold.

Meanwhile they where all trying to knock me off my feet. The dirty blond haired one threw a punch to my chest but I zipped around and shot a whirl of water at his face and left deep wounds as he fell unconscious.

The brunette was by far the strongest and had a firm grip around my chest, but I elbowed her to the ground and through a cursing wave that flooded our vicinity as it was lances at her chest.

Now there was only the weakest girl and and boy left. The dark haired boy was already running at full speed into the forest but I twisted my hand as a large stream of icy water jolted through it and pushed him against a tree. I hit him hard with a wave to make sure he was unconsious.

The girl was running down the path. I couldn't let her get away, there was just no telling what she might do. I races down as fast as I could but she was not there, and I knew she was hiding in the forest some where.

A branch gave away her hiding spot just behind me. I charged my hand and suddenly spun around with the hardest blow I could muster. It hit her right in the head as she fell. The momentum of the wave was so strong I could have sworn that it had knocked her dead.

I quickly took her body back to the clearing.

I was just about to pile the body's and memory wipe them when I heard dry leaves cracking from some where behind me. I spun around just in time to see Madeline stepping out behind an Oak tree with a face so shocked and pale I almost cried-"Please - I mean no harm - I just want to know who you are." She said fearfully.

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