Chapter 8

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I knew it was a deceitful desicion, considering the fact that we are supposed to be honest with each other for our attachment, but this was a bigger priorty; our safety.

I can't risk the chance that the girl, (I think her name was Madie) could relay everything that happened to her parents, enabling them to call the police. I'm just simply not that mom who takes chances, especially when my daughter is in lethal danger.

Ebony has a knack for helping our kind, including humans. She can trust them with all her heart, knowing they are her friends, and makes the verdict of protecting then no matter what. I knew she wouldn't let me de-memorize the girl or her familly, as it is a painstaking process.

Ebony is also quite intelligent, even if she denies it sometimes, so I had to put up a charm in order to make her sleep more heavily, before I slipt into the old rustic vehicle.

The night was calm with the steady hum of crickets and a slight breeze blowing through the tall grass across the street a ways in the small park.

It was hard to believe that less that 20 minutes ago Ebony was biking frantically quick through that park as I yelled at her to get inside the car, as the view was so serene now.

Hoping that our commotion hadnt caused a ruckus, I quickly made up a story just in case one of the neighbors asks what happened, as I drive over the speed limit.

I know that Ebony's charm wont last long, and she might wake up and realize I'm not doing my usual routine, which I normally never change. Besides, I didn't want to give the girl more time to tell her parents, even though most people would be sleeping by now. My 911 tracker hasn't gone off yet, I guess that's something to hold on to...

I looked up the girls address on the document tracker and found that she lives close by. The address was 79 Turnwell, and it only took a couple minutes to drive there, avoiding the main roads.

The house was close to the corner of the street, blocking their neighbors view with beautiful blue spruce (one of my faivorites) and some thick poplar on the opposite side. The house was like a 2 story house with only half of the upper top story, which I assumed where the bedrooms. It had a beautiful stone tiled wall with a wooden porch.

Thankfully, all of the lights where off.

I gathered my strenght, preparing for a fight of any kind. I knew I had to take them on, I just wish it didn't have to come to that.

Once I got to the door, I unlocked it with my charm scarfia vantita ckros, I muttered. I went inside quickly shutting the door.

The colorful front entrance led to the livingroom. I peeled around the other side and saw that there was a small staircase leading to the bedrooms.
Some soft russling sounds made me assume my hiding position, conjuring my heat power. I couldn't help but hate myself disdainfully for the terror I was about to provoke.

More rustling made me feel it was necessary to fight, since someone could be grabbing a phone to call someone.

"Where calling the cops." Said a male voice from around the corner.
That settled it.
I blasted a powerful blast that shook the house as it the blazing flame curved the corner. I sensed the warmth from their bodies thorough the shock-wave (a power only skilled Analians can conjure). I sent them into the wall, as I rushed to their room. The dad was sturring, however the mom laid motionless.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, before I knocked him pit with the sleeping spell, which lasts only 10 minutes. I did the moth-
Something hit me suprisingly hard in the back.

Clutching my side in pain, I turned around to see the girl with a stack of books and other heavy objects gathered in a pile in her room.
I had heard a small whimpering from a boy -her little brother- coming from her closet,where I had heard her trying to calm him when I was conjuring the spells.
"Please don't do this, we won't tell anyone if you just walked away." Maddie said, tears beginning to swell in her eyes. "I know who you are." She said.
Ebony told her about my powers, too? How imprudent was she?

In retrospective, i was actually quite moved by her bravery, but that just simply made me want to stop this even more.
"You probably don't believe me, but this is for you and your families safety." It really was, because King Lyonx was capable of accessing some of earth's data, depending on what satellite the information was broadcasted on when exported om the phones sever.
It is possible that some of the teenagers that came after Ebony could kill their familly ad well.
I stood their trying to convince her with my expression.
She was too smart for that.
She took my hesitation as an opportunity to haul other books at me,which would have knocked me to the ground had I not been ready for it.
I swiveled to the side then launched myself to at her.
Tears swelled into her eyes as I began to conjure the spell.
I couldn't stop my own tears.
"Please don't kill my brother, he doesn't know anything."
"Nor did my parents." She added.
"This won't kill anyone, I promise. Besides... this never happened." I said as confusion swept over her face as I cast the spell. Her reddish brown hair fell into my lap.
A trick of the light must have caused her bue-gray eyes to glint in a strangely familiar way.
I put it out of my mind and put them backs in there rooms before rushing put the door.

A Galaxy Apart Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora