Chapter 12

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"Hazel! It's ok, you just don't understand!" I yelled after her. She hadn't gone very far and behind a willow tree.
In normal circumstances, I would just leave her alone. However, this was far from normal circumstances, and I needed to talk to her about it.
I scurried over, tripping on a rock, but eventually made my way to the tree. I stopped behind it.
" I don't think your going to expect what I'm about to ask you." I said.
" I don't want to talk about it- not with anyone at all. No one will understand." She countered. "Someone might" I walked over and sat beside her. "I might." I said.
She just looked at the grounding a sad state, a state so rare for her to be in.
"Hazel, there's no easy way to put this, but- I just want to ask you, if you've ever noticed something about yourself, something that makes you feel -different. Not just a little different, I'm talking about something ... supernatural." Now she looked at me, a little perplexed.
"How do you know about any of that?"
I looked around to make sure no one was watching, and swirled some water around in my palm.
"It happens to me to." I said in a barely audible whisper.
"That's so cool!" Hazel screamed.
"Shhh! Don't attract any attention!" 
"Sorry" she said.
"The people like me have powers according to which force of nature they fit best as.
They can always conjure magic naturally, but we all must practice in order to progress in it."
I paused for a moment, to let that all sink in.
But I had to ask the one question that was burning a hole in my head. "So have you always known you have powers?" I asked, trying to pretend there was no Analia for a moment to see if she truly did not know about it.
"I only began to realize it when I was 4 years old. I thought it was cool, so I showed my sister.
I guess I needed more practice, like you said, and I kind of zapped her with the fire.
She past out, and when she woke up I pretended she had a really horrible dream, since she was only 2 at the time.
Since then, I've never shown anyone my powers, because I just don't think I know how to control it yet."
Four years old. That's exactly the time Analians normally discover their powers.
It all seemed surreal to me. How could there possibly other Analians on earth who don't know who they really are? Mom would have known about it, and she would have told me, of course.
We tell each other everything.
Could she just be part of Lyonx's troop, and was trained to act so immaculately all along?
I learned my lesson and knew I couldn't take the chance of trusting her, no mater how much I believed her.
Suddenly, I held her against the tree firmly.
"Ebony, what are you doing!? She looked shocked and petrified.
"I'm sorry if you really are telling the truth, but I need to know if you really are who your saying you are."
As I performed the cast, a tingling surge of electricity ran up my arm, making the cast even more challenging then tit was just by itself.
However, the most challenging part of the cast was seeing  Hazels brown eyes drift away painfully slow, and my tears spilling onto her jacket.
It was the last sight I saw before the mist insinuated into my vision as I felt the ground rise above me.

A Galaxy Apart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora