Chapter 6

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I didn't want to memory wash her memory one bit, even though my mom distinctively told me to if ever some one sees me using my powers.

But I finally had found one person who could potentially be a great friend, and the only way I could memory wash her would be to erase every memory of me, and replace it with something to warsd her away, because if she remembered who I was as a person, she would eventually remember all of her memories of me.

Besides, I thought she had the right to know what was going on

I quickly thought of something that would prevent her from calling the police, as she was surely frightened.

"Madeline, I'm really sorry you had to see that from the bottom of heart. But if you saw everything that happened, than you would know that they where trying to get me and my mom to come to our home planet, and I would surely die at the peak of my arrival.

I understand if you think im a monster and just want to run away and pertend you don't know me, or call 911, or something like that, but I just want you to know, from the past couple hours I've spent with you, I can tell your an amazing person, and I'm so sorry about this, but everything you heard is true so far, except for my ancient leader being a good person. Anyways, if you want to hear about this, I will gladly explain it, as long as it remains a secret."

I don't know how I managed to do it, but I said all of that, without
freaking out about someone knowing my secret.

But I trusted Madeline, and I also trusted her when she nodded confidently and said-"I want to hear what is going on, and who you are, but I don't think you are a monster. But we have to stay put here."

Did I mention she is brave? And likes Science Fiction books?

"Of course." I said.

We sat there and talked for about 15 minutes, explaining all of the alien logistics and my family's situation about having twins-"The powers of two twins when in close contact is overwhelmingly strong, and is very hard to maintain when I twahey are close to each other, but it definitely can be done. Howeld ver, our leader had plans of capturing our powers for his revoter, lting, diabolic experiments." I said.

She seemed to be extremely amazed at it all, and she really seemed to believe me. I had no clue that was even a possibility at this point.

She was very intrigued about our powers, and how everyone had a different element. Mine was water obvoiusly. I could see her trying to think about what it was like to have powers, so I elaborated.

By the end, she was extremely amazed. "Well, that-that, is amazing! I'm not going to tell anyone about it, but why do you trust me so much?" She said with a confused smile.

I smiled back. "I think it's more amazing that you trust me, considering I'm basically some alien monster who you just met." I said with a laugh, even though it wasn't funny at all, it felt better to laugh about it.

Madeline seemed to think around the same lines, as she was laughing also. "Well, I think you are good enough to protect your familly from diabolic traitors, but I'm sorry, I just really want to know what's keeping you from not trusting me." She said. "Well, let's just say I would know if you didnt." I lied.

My mom know if she didn't.

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