Chapter 9

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I scribbled down the answer aimlessly, my mind wandering far from the assignment.

However, it wasn't a school assignment, it was an Alasian documentary assignment mom gave me, so it wasn't something completely useless and utterly simple, unlike other things (couch cough Grade 9 Algebra).
That meant it was actually a challenge.

The questions for the document asked me to think about the Magnetohydrodynamic field on large portions of Analians fluid, and to compare it to the last eon, something I normally could do in no time but today my mind kept on nagging me about what happened with Madeline.

At the time, for some reason, there was something about her that harmed me into wanting to tell her everything, something that made her trustworthy.
But now, it just seems encredibly inprudent and ilogical.
How could I have forgotten to do the number one step that my mom always frets I must do in a volitile situatuon; rationalize the outcomes. She could very well have called the police right then, even if I doubted it.
Mom was in the corner on the computer, investigating a weird -well, weird enough for her- break-in by hacking into the security cameras and data surrounding it. She must have noticed my procrastination, as she was no longer looking at the screen.

"I know you probably are thinking about your friend, but o know she has not contacted anyone on the police stream, and if she does, I can delete it from the server."
Sometimes I wonder if one of moms powers is mind reading, as she is almost telepathic.
I have no clue how she could possibly delete things from a server, but it was reassuring come from her expertise.

"Ok, thanks." I finished the report, which probably wasn't as detailed as others...

"I wish we could eat the hearts instead of dissecting them." Jenna moaned, earning a few states from other groups surrounding us.
Me, Jenna Madeline and Rose are all in a group wearing sanitary clothes as I make a surgical cut into the left ventricle. I was actually ok, put I have been studying kinaesthetic sciences. If I'm still on Earth when I'm 18, I think I would like to be a researcher for a hospital.  
"Nice job." Madeline commented. "Thanks. This is another subject I like to read about." I said.
Rose was in the corner, trying to block her view of the heart. "How you survived all of that gross info, I'll never be able to figure out." She said, shaking her head.  "Don't look at me, Jenna is almost ready to eat it raw!" I said, making Rose gag. 
This wasn't really her thing.
Most of us had fun, others gagged (cough,cough Rose) but by the end of the dissection, it was the end of the day. All seven of us met up and went on the transit bus together.
We had a great time for the first bit and never failed to entertain each other.
"Hazel, we're almost at your stop." Milinda reminded her, as she still hadn't pulled the old yellow string that signals the bus driver to stop.
"Ah, I barely got to spend any time with you guys." She complained.
It was true, since her house was very close to the school.
But she had to go.
"Maybe if you ask your mom she'll let you stay longer a different day." I suggested.
"She's so paranoid that something's going to happen, but I'll try." She said, as she got up and walked to the door. The bus stopped and Hazel pressed the yellow strip that made the doors open.
"Oh, Hazel, remember to text me at eight!" Jenna called. "Oh right- " she was about to ask a question when I remembered what bus we where on "Hazel those doors are-" to late again. The doors slammed shut, pushing her quite forcefully out the door. She obviously wasn't ready for it, and as she flew out sparks shot out of her palms.

It may have been faint, but I knew it was there. Luckily, I got up and blocked everyone's view of the sparks.
Are concerns flew out the window that was cracked open, and we saw her nodding that she was ok.
The bus driver barely glanced behind him, convinced it was a normal small tumble.
But it was so much more to me.

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