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Hello humans! I'm going to just completely invade this book and randomly answer some questions about myself. (P.s., Hazel tagged me for this...*sigh Hazel)

Ok, let's do it:

1. What's your favourite sport?
I really enjoy swimming, but it's a toss up between that and Badminton.

2. Would you ever get tattoos/piercings? I got my ears pierced in grade one, but tattoos on the other hand, just seem to WAY to painful.

3. Favorite thing to do other Wattpad?
Reading or writing. Wasn't to far away from Wattpad, but, oh well.

4. Besides art skills, creativity and imagination, what is something you like about yourself?
Probably my knowledge in Science. I've always been fascinated with biology and genetics (like genes, alleles, chromosomes and things like that) and I love learning about technical chemistry.

5. How do you feel about global warming?
I feel like there's a huge weight on my -and the next generations shoulders- to protect the earth and it kind of worries me...

6. Do you like Star Wars?
Yes, I do, especially the new one, but I haven't seen much of the others...
7. What would you do if you where stuck in an elevator?
I would freak out, because I'm extremely afraid of elevators.
8. Are you an indoors or an outdoors person?
Outdoors!!!! I love NATURE!
Those are all the questions in going to answer! Thanks for reading this!

*I'm also going to tag @Hazeltwins and @LightningBreeze to do this.

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