Chapter 10

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"Was she ok?"
Rose piped, who had not seen Hazel get up as we all got up and blocked her view.
"Yes, she got up and seemed ok." Madeline replied.
The conversation drifted back to something more cheery, books, as everyone was completely oblivious to the miniature firework display that I had seen Hazel conjure.
Everyone was in an oblivion to my encounter, -well everyone but Milinda. She always seemed to sense what others where feeling just as naturally as someone senses hot and cold.
I caught her staring at me, so I quickly looked away and decided to keep my act together and become part of the conversation.
"Isn't this your stop, Ebony?" Georgia asked.
So much for being part of the conversation.
"Quickly pack your stuff!" Rose urged me, who was always concerned about everything involving her friends. "Thanks for reminding me, Georgia." I said quickly.
I headed for the door.
"Bye!" Everyone said in unison. "Bye!" I called back.
The bus driver was about to open the door, but shifted his hand wearily and looked up at me. "Did you happen to see what happened there? I saw a spark.." He said.
My heart pounded. "The doors slid against each other when they closed on my friend." I said, trying to sound nonchalant, even though I didn't think he'd buy it. "Oh, ok." He opened the doors.
"Have a nice day."
"You,too." I called over my shoulder, my heart still pounding.

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