Chapter 4

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Later that day, as I  was riding my bike back home, a couple of the kids where on the bike trail behind me. I was trying to ignore them but it proved to be very difficult as they where talking a little to loudly behind my back.

It's not like I wasn't accustomed to these overly curious student who may not be always that friendly, as every school seemed to have them, so I was very capable of ignoring them.

25 blocks later, I wasn't so capable.

It didn't seem like  4 strangers- could be following someone on the exact same route and still live around the same area. I still had a ways to go, but I was now approaching the familiar patch of birch trees on the edge of the Bentley Park, a beautiful forested park,  and they where still following me persistently.

A couple times I had glanced behind me to try and make out their appearance and mentally racked my brain to see if I knew them, and I was positive that I did not. By then I was freaked out and not sure of what to do.

The people from my planet have a lot more strength (no offense) compared to humans, so they weren't a physical threat, but I did not want them knowing anything about my home or my where abouts, as they will probably guess my mom has low-income, and I don't know what else they may try to find out....

Enough was enough.

I slammed on the brakes and pulled to an abrupt stop beside a poplar tree in the park. They  took  notice  and  quickly  surrounded  me  faster  than  I  anticipated  they  could. "What  do  you  want ?  "  I  asked  sternly .  They  all  glowered  at  me.

Thankfully, my back was towards the forest, so if it came  down  to  it ,  I could out run them and head back  home. But I would  rather  face them  and  get  them  to leave  somehow than head back home and possibly  allow them to  follow  me  and  find  out  where  I  live.

A plan was already formulated  in my head by the time the snarky, sanctimonious looking brunette with a french braid replied to my question in a strangely familiar hollow voice-

"Do not fear us, Ebony, we have come to rescue you and your mother back to Analia where you will reunite with your family. You will prosper back home, in the hands of our extravagant leader, King Lionix. The space craft is waiting in that forest," She said, with a disgusting smile on her face, as well  as the dirty blond haired tall one behind her.

I stood there in shock and utter disgust at what she had foretold. 

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