Chapter 7

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Thanks to my knowledge of spacecrafts, I was able to hack into the system and launched their bodies back to Alaysia. Because of the material around the craft, no human can see it with the naked eye.

Ah, Alaysian technology. Some people might think of it as magical, but those are the people who don't know the hidden story behind it.

I was biking fast back home, hoping to get back home before mom would start scoring the town for me, even if  I would have to face the impossible chalenge of explaining what happened.

But I was a little late for that overly optimistic hypothesis.

Mom was driving her her old silver chevy down the street 15 miles over the speed limit. She saw me instantaniously as she flew around the bend in the bay, past a row of prairie grass. She stoped and lurched beside me. "Just throw throw your bike in the trunk and get in!" She said, sounding as if there was something urgent going on that I was oblivious to...but I was definetly not!

My previous perception of her tone turned out to be falsehood, as she changed her tone completelyonce we where isolated from humans. We where on the familiar dirt road where we always go to have private discussions, on the other side of the forest that  blocks the Perimeter.

Mom stopped the car, and just as I was about to explain everything she cut me off-"First of all, what the %$# just happened their, and you better have a good reason why you never told me anything about it." She said in the firm tone that she saves for only serious occasions like this.

I explained everything that happened, relaying the story in a version for if she saw the rocket, which she must have, otherwise she wouldn't be perceiving this so vital.

Once I got the message across, mom seemed to relax a little bit, but was still super tense, as she always is in situations involving things from Alaysia. Its not like she pretends where all safe and sound now, but she has focused our plan on earth so that we could find a safe place to prepare for what's to come. One things for sure; she doesn't like it when something in the plan screws up, and sometimes blames herself, but mostly determinately tries to fix it.

"OK, I am proud of you for what you did, I am,  but I am still extremely wary of the fact that the girl knows everything about what happened. Even with your telepathy, we are not going to have enough time to prepare for them reporting us!"

"I know, that was my first reaction to, but trust me I do know Madison, partly because of my Telepathy, but I mostly zone it out, because I trust her as a person. I have never been so certain that I could trust a human, mom." I pleaded.

Mom basically zoned out at that point, which made me want to us emy telepathy on her even more than I already did, but none of the Alysian's powers can be used against their parents. It's not like I wish for it all of the time, only certain amounts at certain times.

Mom finally agreed after that long silent pause and I stayed in my room the rest of the day and read, trying  to  take  my mind off  pressing matters.

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