Chapter 15

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The paramedics had arrived via helicopter, since there was no way an ambulance was going to fit on the small forest trail.
I handed Rose to a guy in a large suit who gave her CPR.
She was ok.
She coughed and spluttered up river water (which wasn't a pretty sight) then they took her on the helicopter in a gurney.
Her parents where there to, and her mother was frantically asking the paramedics about her condition.
I met Rose's tear stained gaze as the doors closed.
Me and Jenna hopped out of the freezing cold river thankfully, as the rest of the group came rushing towards us, the paramedics hard on their heels.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys ok?!" Hazel yelled frantically, giving me a stunned look and probably wondering why I let Jenna face a bunch of high-tech Analians from King Lyonx's troop.

I was about to answer her, but then a paramedic came and blocked me away.
"Alright, it's time for you all to get checked up. Your little  meeting can wait till later." He said quickly, but firmly.
I wondered if he dealt with overly worried friends all of the time in these situations.
Even thought this probably wasn't the situation he expected.
A tall dirty blond haired paramedic rushed in and to me over to a gurney.

"I'm really not that hurt." I protested, knowing it wouldn't make a difference what I thought.
"I just need to touch up your wounds and then you can leave." He told me.
So he did that, asking few questions about the attack, and then he let me go find my mother.
She was standing with the other moms, just as worried, but talking to- our school principal and vice principal? How come they are coming to us more and more often?
"Ebony!" My mom called, interrupting my thoughts.
I ran to her and she pulled me into a bear hug.
"I couldn't stop them." I murmured into her shoulder.
"I know you held them back, and you got them away. You saved your friends." She whispered into my ear.
"But my friends where fighting-
"We'll talk about that later." She said firmly, straightening up.
"Right now the police and detectives have to ask you some questions about their identity, but they'l leave the other questions on till you are all calm and thinking straight."
Mom glanced over to Hazel who was freaking out, knowing who the attackers where and all, but I knew she wouldn't say anything.
Before I went to the police, the Principal Mr. Naught and Vice principal Mrs. Lono came to talk to me.

"You did a very brave thing today, and we can only guess how terrifying it was." Mr. Naught began.
"Just remember, always do what you think is right, not what you think others would want from you." Mrs. Lono said solemnly.
I had no clue what she was talking about, so I just nodded, thinking she was  some kind of philosophy giver.
Then,  I went up to a  detective, who was a quite charming yet persuasive detective, and described their identities.
"And do you know in which direction they left?" He asked finally.
"They swam down the river, I think to the left." I said, feeling uncertain.
He thanked me busy the same, and I left and quickly gave everyone a hug, except for Rose, who was at the hospital, and Jenna, who needed something for her wound, and left with my mom guiding me away from the group.
"I feel like I didn't give them enough information for them to find them. Even if they couldn't harm them then they might still be able to capture them." I said.
"It's unlikely that they could do any thing at all to physically hurt them." Mom agreed.
I then heard her mutter under her breath; "Even more unlikely that they could find them."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
Mom looked startled, clearly not wanting me to hear that.
"Right now is not a good time to talk about all that." She said hastily.
"We don't have to talk about it in depth, I just want to know why  you think the police can't find them." I said, trying to be careful with my words just in case there are people in the forest.
"We tell each other everything." I said, feeling guilty.
Mom sighed.
"Fine then. (She dropped her voice to a whisper) The troops are bigger, stronger, because they have something of something that your father and Katt where protecting- in the beginning."

I couldn't get her to tell me anything else until the morning, as she didn't want me to worry about everything all night.
Well, it was to late for that.

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