Chapter 11

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The crisp autumn air tingled into my hands, making them a nice cool temperature, a temperature I preferred, since that was what it was like normally in the summertime back in Analia.
That was one of the reasons why we moved to a colder city, and country all together.
I was walking to school today, the last day I would be able to go glove less, before the cold would settle in completely.
The new chill was simply a stark reminder that the snow was coming, even if it was only October.
Most people would be worrying about that, pulling out all there winter clothes to be prepared for what's to come, but I am wearing a thin sweater and jeans without gloves pondering what will happen when I ask my best friend if she's an alien.
"The carnival is going to be awesome!" Rose said. We all nodded in agreement, well everyone except Hazel, who hadn't gotten to school yet.
Do we have to dress up as anything in specific or can we choose?" I asked.

You get to choose. I was thinking us three could go as maidens and pull out the corsets..." Georgia said, laughing at the end as she gestured to me, Milinda and Madeline since she knows that we hate dresses -especially Milinda.

She stood up taller and pushed her glasses back. "Well then, I was thinking you could go as a punch bag, Georgia." She teased her. We all laughed.
It was nice to be together like this, as we all seemed to really understand each other.
We had been talking about the annual Halloween carnival. It was set up so that during the day kids could go but at night the hay rides in the Seine river forest where more scary.
Because our town, St Annes had a historical background with the French, the traditional carnival was usually set up by 'French historians'. This year, we where all excited that we where going to contribute.
However, I was still really anxious to talk to Hazel, so I tried to surreptitiously gaze at the door. But she wasn't there.
Standing there, was the vice principle, Mrs. Lono, who had been staring at us in the distance through the window.
Madeline saw where my gaze was and we both shrugged. Why was she-"Hello, you all seem excited for the carnival? That is good, as long as you remember to be careful when it gets dark. Would you happen to know where Hazel is?" She asked. We all shook are heads. "She normally comes later." Me and Madeline replied in unison.
She nodded and left, her dark brown curly hair and sophisticated suit left behind us.
"I wonder how she knew we where friends with Hazel, I've never even seen her this year until today." Jenna remarked.
It was later that day at lunch break when I spotted Hazel.
She hadn't been to school at all that morning, and it made me wonder... "Hazel!" I tried to get her attention through the huge swarm of hallway traffic.
She met my gaze, but her eyes weren't filled with her usual outgoing happiness.
They where filled with fear.
She took her stuff and ran out the door outside. I ran after her.

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