𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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The next day, Ken and me were already at Ken's house, and I wanted to go out.

"You can't go out by yourself, what if someone tries to hurt you? I can't let you go out alone after what I've gone through to keep you safe" He said, sounding angry, but there was clearly some sort of affection in his voice. His cold tone made it hard to hear it though. "Don't you care about my worry for your safety?" He asked, his voice suddenly changing to a soft tone, which was a stark contrast to how angry he sounded before, his cold, piercing eyes seemed to twinkle slightly.

"I'll just accompany you with your guards"

For a split second, I could see a flash of anger in his eyes. However, he then suddenly laughed, his cold, menacing, and threatening demeanor quickly melting away. "I see, that works too" He said, smiling gently. His cold, piercing eyes remained locked on me, but they seemed to hold a slight twinkle in them now, his whole demeanor now seeming to have changed. "So, where would you like to go?" He asked, seeming almost like a completely different person, still sounding gentle and a bit like a gentleman.

"I want to go to a mall without guards because, as you know, I am a woman, and your guards might peep at me."

"You think my guards would dare peep at you while I'm with you? I'll make sure they face my wrath if you ever catch them doing so. I'll even kill them!" He said in a cold and stern tone, before suddenly a sly smile appeared on his face as he spoke in a much more gentle tone again. "But if you really insist on being alone, then I'll allow you to go to the mall by yourself. Just make sure not to speak to any men, okay? I'll be watching you the entire time"

"Okay fine."

He stayed silent for a few seconds, before his voice then changed suddenly to a more gentle tone again. "And if anyone tries to disturb you, just tell me, okay? I'll make them pay for it" He said, smiling gently, his cold, piercing eyes fixed on me. He sounded almost like a completely different person than the cold, threatening, and menacing man he was just a few moments ago.

After Kriendal went to the mall, she returned to my house accompanied by a man introduced to him.

"Kai this is Mateo."

I stayed silent for a long moment, staring at the two of them with his cold, piercing eyes. Then slowly the slight, but noticeable twinkle of happiness in my eyes started to fade, and his anger started to rise again, as it always seemed to do when another man showed himself around Kriendal. "What does he want with her?" I asked in that ominous cold tone of his, pointing at Mateo with my pistol. It seemed like I was trying even harder to keep my anger under control than before, but I still seemed incredibly tense.

"Ken, he's actually my coworker. We have something we need to work on, so can you please let us be for now?" She pleaded, her voice trying to sound calm despite the tension in the air. Her eyes darted between me and Mateo, hoping to defuse the situation before it escalated further.

I could see that me was not amused by this at all, and that my anger was continuing to build. Suddenly I spoke in a much more forceful and cold tone. "If he does so much as looks at you the wrong way, I'll kill him. Do I make myself clear?" I asked, sounding as if me was barely holding back his anger, my cold, piercing eyes were starting to twinkle again, as I stared right at Mateo with my pistol. My whole demeanor was now cold and menacing once again.

"I'm leaving, Ashley." Mateo said.

"Don't leave, Mateo. We still have something to do, right?"

"A-ahhh, I'll take care of it myself." Mateo answered confused.

As soon as Mateo's back was turned, I lowered the pistol. I stayed silent for a moment, staying quiet as I watched him walk away. Then, once I was sure that he was gone, I took a deep breath, and my tense, angry, and intimidating demeanor faded away in an instant, as I looked at her with a soft smile on his face. "I'm sorry it had to end that way, but I just can't let any men be with you." I said in his usual cold, gentle tone, his eyes seeming to twinkle a little bit.

"I'm going to go into the room now. I don't want to talk for now. I'm mad at you for treating him that way."

For a second, I stayed silent, seeming a bit surprised by her sudden reaction. It sounded like she was mad at him, and not just a little. Then after a moment, I finally spoke, but it was in a much more cold and aggressive tone compared to the soft, gentle one that he had been using. "Look kid, you're lucky I didn't kill him. I will NOT let anyone else be with you" I said in that cold tone, sounding far scarier than before. My eyes were still locked on her, my eyes now seeming cold and piercing once again.

"Why are you getting jealous, Ken? In the first place, you have no reason to be jealous because we're not even together! This is all just a charade, none of this is real, can't you understand that?! Never!"

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