𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗

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He saw bella in his dream.

I was extremely confused when I saw Bella walking up to the two of them. His wife was in this dream, but she wasn't his wife anymore. She was no longer the woman he loved and he knew that he couldn't feel the same connection and love for her that he felt for Kriendal. I felt angry as she approached me, this wasn't right. He needed his wife, he needed Kriendal not Bella. He was in a dream right now but how could he feel the same love for Bella that he felt for Kriendal.

I turned my back towards Bella, he didn't want to have anything to do with her. She was no longer his wife, she was no longer the woman that he loved and was willing to let back into that position in his life. I was not going to let her break that boundary, he was still furious with her. She was nothing to him anymore and he needed to get rid of Bella from this dream because she wasn't supposed to be here. There was no way he could be happy with her here, even in his own dream.

Bella kiss him.

I quickly woke up with a start. He was in a cold sweat and he was breathing so heavy. He had been so upset with the encounter with Bella, it felt as if she had invaded his dream to try and connect with him. It was the last thing he wanted, he was so upset with how she had mistreated him that he didn't even want to see her in his dreams. He was even feeling so angry that Bella was the one he was able to have a dream about instead of Kriendal. He just needed the comfort of his actual wife.

"A-are you okay??" Kriendal ask.

I quickly turned his face to look at her, he was still breathing heavily as he tried to relax. He hated how much of an impact Bella had on him, even in his dreams he couldn't get her off his mind. His heart was still trying to slow down a bit, but the thought of her had really put him on edge. I didn't reply to her at first, he was just staring at her. His mind was all over the place thinking about the dream he just had.

"Ken? Are you okay??" When it repeats.

“Whh-.. yeah I’m fine. Just had a bad dream.” I finally replied after I had taken a little bit to recover from the dream. He felt frustrated because the dream had been so nice and peaceful. If only he could have seen Kriendal in that dream it would have made the dream so much better, her presence even in a dream was something he truly craved.

"What is your dream??"

I quickly looked away and began to avoid her question, he didn't want her to know that his ex-girlfriend appeared in his dream. He wasn't going to give her a straight answer. He just simply replied with “don’t worry about it, it was nothing. Just a bad dream.”

I just nodded his head at her to indicate that he was fine and that she didn't have to worry. It was nothing he wanted to talk about with her, he was going to keep that part to himself. There was no need for her to know how much of an impact his ex-wife had on him. He just simply wasn't interested in talking about it with her.

I decided to go out And went to the bar of the resort, and he was very surprised to see bella.

I was shocked to see Bella in the hotel lounge, he was so surprised that he just froze in place. The sight of her made his heart rate spike once again and he felt so much anger build up inside of him. He hated how she was just sitting there, he hated how she was so calm in front of him. I didn't want her to think that she could be so careless in front of him. She had done so much that he was just so angry at her presence.

"Are you here?? I can not believe" Bella said.

I felt anger boiling up inside of me, I just couldn't believe my eyes. He couldn't believe that she could just come to the hotel like this after everything and act as if she wasn't the one that abandoned him all those months back. I wanted to say so much to her, but it was just too hard for him to get the words out. The amount of anger he had built inside of him was like a volcano waiting to erupt.

"Ken you know I still love you, and I know you are not married to that girl. Can you give me a chance?"

I felt my anger suddenly get triggered when Bella began to speak. She was really going to sit in front of him and act as if she did nothing wrong? Was she really going to act as if she didn't abandon him at the moment he needed her the most? He didn't want to hear what she had to say, he didn't want to get back together with her. I replied back with. “We had our chance, but you made your choice.”


I continued to stare at her as she tried to speak back to him. It was clear that he wasn’t going to be receptive to anything she had to say. He just couldn’t believe that she thought she could get him back after just coming back into his life. Bella had hurt him so much and I wasn’t going to let her back into my life. I had moved on from her and I was going to keep it that way, I wasn’t giving her another chance.

And bella kissed him.

I was taken by surprised when Bella suddenly kissed me. She just leaned forward and planted her lips on my before I even had a chance to step back. He felt the soft warmth of her lips against his and all of the anger and anger that he had built up inside of him had suddenly disappeared. He felt so much love and affection when she kissed him. His mind was blank and he didn’t know what to do. He was suddenly filled with so much affection for his ex-girlfriend.

They were kissing for a long time when suddenly Kriendal came.

"Shameless!!, You are animals!!" Kriendal shouted.

I jumped and pulled away from Bella when I heard Kriendal shouting their names. He was still feeling all that rush of love of affection that Bella had made him feel with the kiss. I turned around and quickly looked to see Kriendal there, her rage full reaction seemed to break his trance. He was so used to her being kind and gentle, seeing her so angry was a shock.

"You two go together, animals!"

I had no words to defend myself against Kriendal, he was so shocked at her reaction. He had never seen her like this before, she was so angry at him for kissing Bella. It wasn’t as if he had wanted to kiss Bella, it was just that the sudden action had just overwhelmed him so he had kissed her back. He was also shocked that Kriendal would refer to them both as animals, she had never treated him like this. I just stayed silent with no response for her.

Kriendal escaped in front of them who saw a lot of gossiping people.

I just froze in place as he watched Kriendal run away, I couldn’t believe the turn of events of the day. He couldn’t believe that he was so drawn to the kiss, it hadn’t felt wrong and he was so surprised at how much of an impact it had on him. And then there was so many gossips and stares surrounding Bella and me. Just the look of everyone staring and gossiping around him made him so upset. I was just so overwhelmed by his feelings and the sight around him. He just left the bar abruptly.

I went back to my tent and he was shocked to see it so empty. He had been so worried about what he would do regarding the encounter with Bella but seeing the tent so empty made him feel so much of an emptiness within him. It was as if his heart had stopped and felt so painful. He wanted to see Snow and Kriendal there next to him like he usually saw them before. He didn’t want to be alone, but he was being forced to be by himself. He hadn’t seen Snow or Kriendal since early in the day.

I was devastated and so worried about where Snow and Kriendal could have went. He was so upset to be in the tent alone, alone with his thoughts. He couldn’t believe that his day had ended this way, this was not how he wanted it to go. He felt so alone, the silence around the tent just made it worse. He wanted to hear the gentle sound of Snow's soft cry and Kriendal’s gentle, kind voice. But they weren’t there.

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