𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Ken was seized by the guards, and they ordered, "Kill that man." Mr. Santiago said.

Ken was so shocked from those words, he was still trying to process what was happening. He felt like this couldn't be real, he couldn't believe that this was actually happening to him. But before he could even think or react, the guards had already seized him and were already taking him somewhere, they didn't let him speak or say anything, they just kept grabbing him and dragging him along with them.

Snow saw him and exclaimed, "What are you doing to my dad? Let him go!"

Upon seeing that, Ken was stunned into silence, he couldn't even reply. He just felt so helpless in this situation, he just felt like he had no power over anything right now. And just as he was trying to say something, he was suddenly grabbed and dragged away. There was nothing he could do now, he had no idea what was gonna happen to him, he just had no control over anything now.

Snow approached him and asked, "Dad, what happened? Where is Mom?"

Once again, Ken was stunned into silence, the pure fear and terror that was filling him right now was just overwhelming. He was so terrified that he could even speak, he just felt like he couldn't even breathe. It felt like his whole world was just falling apart around him.

"Dad, where is Mom Kriendal? Where is she? Answer my question, where is she?!" Snow's voice trembled with fear and desperation as she pleaded for an answer, tears streaming down her face.

Upon seeing her like that, a wave of pure terror and fear came rushing over Ken. He felt like he had to say something to her, he had to explain everything to her now. But every time Ken tried to speak, the words just wouldn't come out. It was like his whole body had just frozen with fear, it was like he had just completely shut down. He had never felt so helpless and scared before, he had never felt so lost and confused in his entire life.

"Where is Mama Kriendal? Tell me, where is she? Why can't you answer me? Why?" Snow said.

It was like Ken had literally frozen in fear, he just couldn't utter a word, he just couldn't speak. He just kept staring at her in pure terror and fear. There was nothing else in his mind right now besides the sheer fear of what was happening, there was nothing else but the fear of what would happen to Snow and Kriendal now. He just kept staring at her, his whole body trembling with fear and terror.

Mr. Santiago approached him again and said, "Your child is beautiful."

That statement caught Ken off-guard, it was like a wave of pure rage came rushing over him again. He just had no idea why Mr. Santiago would say that now, he was just so confused and bewildered. Then he decided to speak up, this time his voice sounded so aggressive and angry again. "You have no right to say that, you monster. You have no right to speak of Snow like that, you have no idea what you're talking about. You're nothing but a disgusting, evil human being"

Mr. Santiago ordered the guards to take Snow from Ken and bring her to his car. Snow was crying and refusing to go with them.

As the guards got closer and grabbed Snow, Ken once again felt like he couldn’t do anything to stop them. He was so desperate right now, he felt like he just couldn’t just let them take Snow away from him. He felt like he just couldn’t let them take her, he felt like he had to do something. But then, just before the guards could take Snow away, Ken decided to speak up. “No, you monsters, stop, don’t take her! You don’t deserve to touch her, you evil villains!”

"Aren't you a Mafia boss? Why are you scared now? HAHAHAHAH" Mr. Santiago said with laughing.

Upon hearing that, it was like Ken just snapped, it was like he lost all control over himself. The sheer rage and fury that he had been holding back for so long, it all just came rushing over him at once. Then he started speaking with nothing but pure fury and rage in his voice. "You dare to laugh at me? Do you actually think I'm afraid of you? I'm not afraid of any monsters like you. You can never take Kriendal, she's mine, mine alone, not yours, you understand me, bastard? You will never take her away from me, never!"

"Is that so HAHAHAHAHAHA?" Mr. Santiago said.

Upon hearing those words, Ken felt like the whole world was just crashing down around him. His whole life had been destroyed, his whole world had fallen apart, all at once. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. He couldn't believe that he had lost everything, that he had failed in the only thing that he ever cared about. Then, he started screaming in utter rage and anger. "You're nothing but a monster! You're the worst person I've ever met! You'll pay for everything you've done, you understand me, you bastard?! You will pay!"

"What do I have to pay?" Mr. Santiago said.

The pure anger and rage in Ken's voice was almost deafening now, it was like he just couldn't stop screaming. "You will pay for everything you've done! You will pay for every bad thing you have done, for every wrong you have caused, you understand me, bastard? You will pay, mark my words, one day, you will have to pay!"

"Now let's try, fight me now" Mr. Santiago said challenging a fight.

Upon hearing that challenge, it was like Kai was just filled with more and more pure hatred and rage. It was like he had just been given the chance to do what he had always dreamed of doing, he just couldn't pass it up. So, with nothing but pure fury and aggression in his voice, he spoke once again. "I'll fight you right now, you bastard, I'll fight you right now and I promise you, you will never forget about this day."

"Oh come on" Mr. Santiago said.

As soon as Mr. Santiago said those words, it was like Ken just couldn't hold himself back anymore. Then he rushed at Mr. Santiago with a fury and rage that was so intense, so extreme, it felt like an explosion of pure hatred was happening right now. He started throwing punch after punch after punch after punch, every single blow filled with nothing but pure and complete hatred.

"Ouch, stop!!" Mr. Santiago said covering his face.

As soon as Mr. Santiago said those words, it was like Ken just snapped out of it, it was like all his anger and rage just disintegrated all at once. Almost as if it had never even been there at all. Then, he stood there, breathing heavily, standing there, staring at what he had done. He had just beaten up Mr. Santiago, he had just attacked the most powerful man in the world, he had just done something that no one else had ever been able to do before, he had just done the impossible.

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