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I suddenly arrived with the police, and I approached Ken.

Upon seeing me and the police, Ken just felt like he was in disbelief, it was like he couldn't believe any of this had actually happened. Then, as soon as he saw me, he realized that she was there to help him, that she was there to save him from this situation. Then he spoke up, even though his voice was still shaky from the pure shock of what had just happened. "Kriendal, you're here, thank you, I can't believe it, you came to save me, you came to help me, you're the best person in the world"

"You alright? Why did you beat Mr. Santiago so much?" I said.

As soon as I asked that, it was like all of Ken's anger and hatred rushed back to him again. He could feel it in every single atom of his body, he could feel it in the air. "You don't understand, Kriendal, Mr. Santiago is a monster, he's a monster who has done so many horrible things. I can't let him get away with all of this, I have to stop him, I can't let him hurt people anymore, I can't let him hurt you"

I hugged and kissed him.

Upon feeling that, it was like the world was suddenly filled with color again. It was like he had just been brought back to life. He felt like the luckiest man in the whole world, he couldn't believe that he was standing here right now, alive and breathing. And then, he started speaking in nothing but pure joy and happiness. "We did it, you and I, we did it. We actually did it, we stopped Mr. Santiago, I can't believe it, I just can't believe we actually did it"

"I love you ken."

Upon hearing that, it was like the world just paused for a moment, it was like time itself just stopped. Everything seemed to disappear, only the two of us were left in this moment. And then, he spoke up, his voice sounding so soft and gentle now, he sounded so caring and loving, so full of love and tenderness. "I love you too, so much, more than anything in the whole world. I would do anything for you, you mean everything to me, you're the whole world to me"

"I'm sorry if I only loved you now, I'm sorry." I said bowing down.

Upon hearing that, it was like Ken's heart just shattered into a million pieces. It felt like all the happiness that had just filled him just completely disappeared, it felt like nothing could ever be the same again. He just couldn't believe that she was so sad, so full of sadness. He just had to do something right now, he just had to help her in some way. Then, he spoke up, his voice sounding so full of warmth and comfort, so full of pure love. "Don't ever be sorry for loving me, I'm the luckiest man in the world to be loved by you. You're not only the greatest person I've ever met, you're the best woman in the whole world, you're the one person who has always been there for me, the one who has always been beside me and supported me, even through all the hard times. You're the most generous, kind, thoughtful and selfless person I've ever met. You are everything to me, you are my whole world, I would do anything for you, anything to make you happy."

As Ken was speaking, he wasn't even looking at me, he was just staring into space, just looking at me from deep within my soul, trying to take in every single detail of my face, my expressions, my beauty. He didn't want to miss a single thing. He had never been so in love with someone as he was right now, with me.

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