Lucinda Morningstar

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age 6

eye color: red

hair color: blonde

family: Charlie (older sister) Lilith (mother) Lucifer (father)

friends: Angel, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, Cherri,Vaggie, Octavia

outfit: apple barrette, snake charm necklace, purple long sleeve dress that stops at her feet, little black flats

pets: Keekee (cat)

intrests: music, animals, reading, playing with Keekee

hates: Valentino, mean people, being alone, angels

Lucinda is the youngest daughter of Lilith and Lucifer they love their little girl as much as Charlie loves her baby sister, Lucinda supports her big sister and sees Vaggie as a big sister she doesn't care what she did. Lucinda loves her family and hopes too meet new friends but doesn't know when that will happen she is too young to travel to the other rings alone, but knows that she will be strong once she's older but loves her friends and will protect them when she's older.

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