chapter 8

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it had been days and Lucinda was talking with Emily.
Emily: i can't believe that happened.
Lucinda: i know but i know Sir Pentious is up there he did a great thing protecting us, he felt like a good friend to me.
Hoppy: you got us Lucinda! Lucinda got tackled by the rest of the smiling critters and they were laughing Emily chuckled as she saw how happy they were.
Emily: are your smiling critters all alive?
Lucinda: yup i only wonder what the other toys were like.
Emily: who knows maybe they were really nice.
Catnap: not really there's something i never told Lucinda.
Emily: and that is Catnap?
Catnap: i wasn't always like this i had a bigger body and i used my home as a hunting ground and i killed all my friends except Dogday, i only listened to the prototype he was my god. and every employee in the factory was killed by us all the toys killed them and dragged the bodies down into the depths of the facotry and we ate them to stay alive.
Lucinda: but why did you do it Catnap?
Catnap: he saved me before i died and i worshipped him but now i realised i don't need my god anymore, now that i have a great friend to look after me.
Emily: awe how cute but Lucinda i'd wait until your older to explore the critters old home your only seven, way to young to go on your own. well i gotta go see you tomorrow good night Lucinda.
Lucinda: night Emily. Charlie came in as Lucinda was helping everyone onto the bed.

Charlie: ready for bed?
Lucidna: yup Charlie do you think i might be able to help everyone at the factory they could be missing what it's like to be played with.
Vaggie: i'm sure they do mostly who Catnap told us about they could hang out in your play room but i know they'd have fun with, the best little girl in all of hell. Vaggie nuzzled Lucinda as she giggled and got under the covers.
Charlie: right now we need to get you ready for dream land good night Lucinda.
Lucinda: night Charlie night Vaggie.
Vaggie: night kiddo.
Charlie: maybe we could ask Blitz too take us up to the old factory.
Vaggie: could work but we need to be careful up there we've never been to the human world, so i borrowed Lucinda's book so i could study the spell and in case of emergency we can return home.
Charlie: let's do this in the morning and we should pack supplies just in case. Vaggie nodded and they went to bed and packed what they needed for the trip in the morning.

*next day*

Charlie and Vaggie were walking down the stairs as they heard Lucinda walking out of her room, then saw her big sisters in the hallway.
Lucinda: Charlie Vaggie where are you two going (yawns) did you two plan a trip or something?
Vaggie: yes we did and your staying here it's just for us two and we invited I.M.P to come with us just for safety, so be good and we promise to be back soon.
Lucinda: okay (yawns) i am still abrely awake though.
Charlie: well go get some breakfast and i'm sure Angel can keep an eye on you while we're gone, but if he has plans we can always call Molly.
Lucinda: kay (yawns) i'm gonna go get breakfast but i'm sure Mommy and Daddy could watch me. Lucinda went to get breakfast but yawned again and saw a plate put in front of her.
Cherri: hey Lucy i thought i'd drop by for a visit.
Lucinda: hi Cherri oh boy am i tired.
Angel: what time did you go to bed?
Lucinda: i had a nightmare last night and i couldn't go back to sleep.
Cherri: what did you see in your dream?
Lucinda: i don't know it was hard to see all i saw was a metal hand with long fingers.
Catnap: that's the prototype i must've accidentaly released the red smoke while you were sleeping i'm sorry Lucinda.
Lucinda: it's fine Catnap you didn't mean it.
Charlie: alright we'll be back soon oh and Loona said her friends will drop by even Stolas will, so bye guys i hope the hotel stays in one piece.
Alastor: not too worry my dear everything will be fine.

Vaggie: alright but call us if anything goes wrong.
Angel: got it now go enjoy your trip. Charlie and Lucinda hugged each other as Vaggie did the same and left with Charlie Lucinda finished her breakfast then, went to get changed out of her pajamas and brushed out her hair then put in her new crescent moon barrette which matched Catnap's pendant. Lucinda has a barrette that matched all the critters pendants all except Bubba's it was something close to it the barrette was a diamond that she loved, then heard voices and went to see who it was only to see it was Bee and Vortex.
Alastor: so wonderful of you two too come and visit.
Bee: yeah well i wanted to get to know Lucinda she's a cute kid and very sweet. Lucinda picked up Kickenchicken and walked down the stairs while the others were following her.
Vortex: their she is hey Lucinda how ya been kiddo?
Lucinda: been good and hanging out with my friends the Smiling Critters.
Vortex: (sees the critters) wow how many are there?
Angel: there's eight and one i'm grateful too for dealing with my boss.
Lucinda: introduce yourself guys. Lucinda put Kicken down and he stood next to his friends.
Dogday: i'm Dogday.
Picky: i'm Pickypiggy.
Craftycorn: i'm Craftycorn.
Bubba: i'm Bubba Bubbaphant.
Kickenchicken: i'm Kickchicken what's up.
Hoppy: i'm Hoppy Hopskotch.
Catnap: and i'm Catnap.
Bee: awe you guys are so cute and your necklaces really show your names.

*at the factory*

Blitz: are you two sure you wanna do this?
Charlie: we're sure of it and it's for Lucinda if we can find at least two of them alive then who knows.
Vaggie: we need to know where to search first.
Moxxie: Catnap told me to search a called Playcare it's like an orphanage for the human children, we head there and we find who knows might be alive down there. Millie and i found Dogday alive and managed to transfer his soul into another toy he was happy when we did that.
Millie: and we know Lucinda is happy to have him along with the others now let's go find them. they all went inside and found playcare then walked around.
Charlie: hello is someone here? we're here to help you get out.
???: is that true?
Vaggie: yes we promise not too hurt you. a giant pink furry toy came out and everyone was shocked to see her.
Charlie: my name is Charlie and you are?
Poppy: i'm Poppy and this is Kissy we've been trapped here for ten years this place makes Kissy tense. but your not human are you?
Vaggie: no we're not well i was different i used to be an exorcist before i got left behind in Hell, but we have a little girl who'd love too meet you both she's friends with the smiling critters their good and they love her.
Poppy: what's her name?
Charlie: Lucinda she's my little sister so will you come with us? Kissy took Charlie's hand and they all went back to Hell.

*at the hotel*

once Charlie and Vaggie got back they saw Angel, Cherri and Lucinda asleep on the couch with the smiling critters around them. Charlie smiled at the sight and held her heart even Vaggie smiled at seeing them together.
Charlie: i feel like my heart is going to burst.
Vaggie: come on Charlie let them sleep we can surprise Lucinda in the morning, Poppy you and Kissy can stay in Lucinda's play room it's where she likes to play.
Poppy: alright see you both in the morning. it's too bad Huggy couldn't be here he would've really liked Lucinda i brought a smaller one for her, i hope that's okay.
Charlie: it's perfect.

*next day*

Cherri and Angel both woke up and saw that they slept on the couch as they stretched out their arms.
Angel: whew boy who would've thought watching a movie after a party would tire me out.
Cherri: especially Lucinda she was so tired last night even her little friends. Angel smiled and moved Lucinda's hair out of her face then gently picked her up while Cherri got a few of the critters.
Angel: alright it's time this little princess was in her room comfortable in her bed. Angel and Cherri went to Lucinda's room as they put Lucinda and the critters to bed.
Cherri: i gotta admit i had fun last night but winding down and hanging out with Lucinda was worth it, she's a great kid i really like her. after a couple hours Lucinda woke up and yawned and saw that she was in her room then burshed her hair as she changed her barrette which was her sun one, then picked up Catnap as she walked down to the lobby. once Lucinda got to the lobby she saw Charlie and Vaggie were back she ran to them and they hugged her close.
Lucinda: where did you two go?
Vaggie: we went to the old factory and found two of Dogday's friend who are still alive come on out girls. Poppy and Kissy came out as Lucinda walked up to them.
Poppy: you must be Lucinda Charlie told me about you. i'm Poppy and this is Kissy it's nice too meet you.
Lucinda: it's nice too meet you too Poppy and i suppose you know the critters.
Poppy: yes and i see Catnap has changed.
Catnap: i have Poppy and have protected this incredible little girl she's the greatest. Lucinda giggled when Catnap nuzzled her.

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