chapter 16

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it had been days since the incident with Mammon and Lucinda refused to come out of her room, and everyone was worried about her. Molly had come to visit and tried to get her out.
Molly: Lucinda honey I made some lunch why don't you come out too eat.
Lucinda: no thanks Molly i'm not hungry. Molly opened the door and walked over to Lucinda's bed as she sat on the bed.
Molly: you need too get out of this room it's not healthy.
Lucinda: don't care not even Kissy could get me out of my room nor you or Catnap.
Molly: then I bet someone could. Molly took Lucinda's phone and got Asmodeous's number as she left the room Molly called Asmodeous and he was on his way.

*in the lobby*

Fizzaroli: why is Lucinda hiding in her room?
Charlie: it's because of what happened days ago and now Lucinda won't come out of her room, not even Catnap not Kissy could get Lucinda out of her room. Poppy and the others have tried as well.
Asmodeous: well Charlie I think I know one thing that might cheer up Lucinda so give me a few, Fizz and I will get her out.
Vaggie: Molly and Angel made her favorite. Molly brought over a plate and Fizz took it they both went up to Lucinda's room they both knocked on the door and heard Lucinda.
Lucinda: go away Molly i'm not coming out. Fizz opened the door and the guys both walked in as they saw how upset Lucinda was.
Fizz: Lucy come out from under the blanket.
Lucinda: Fizz (sniffs) what're you doing here?
Fizz: Molly called Ozzie and well we were really worried about you. Lucinda hid more under the blanket Fizz put the plate on the bedside table and put a hand on Lucinda's shoulder.
Fizz: Lucy come on it wasn't your fault you lost control a bit it happens your were still learning when you were a kid, but now your sixteen so your going through something's I was like that at your age.
Lucinda: really?
Fizz: yeah but that was before the accident and well I met Oz he gave me these limbs so i'm still here, and with a great girl who has the greatest friends along with family that loves her a lot.
Kickin: he's right Lucinda we have a great friend. Fizz picked up Kickin and put him on the bed along with the others Catnap jumped so did Hoppy.
Dogday: come on Lucinda get out of bed other wise we're coming under there.
Asmodeous: leave her be guys but come on pumpkin I know your scared that you might loose control again but remember what I told you when you were younger. Lucinda thought about what Asmodeous said and still hid under the blanket.
Asmodeous: alright you asked for it. Asmodeous lifted the blanket and the smiling critters went underneath and they began tickling Lucinda which made her scream and fall out of her bed.

Lucinda: ow.
Fizz: you alright?
Lucinda: yeah i'm alright but I hate you right now Uncle Oz that was sneaky.
Asmodeous: (chuckles) worked didn't it?
Fizz: a little too well babe but come on you need a bath you stink.
Lucinda: yeah I guess I do I ate a pizza days ago and I probably smell like one.
Asmodeous: just a little you do but go get a shower and we'll wait for you downstairs. Lucinda nodded and went to shower then she went down wearing her normal dark outfit.
Angel: there's the best little sister you doing alright now?
Lucinda: yeah I am but I have a feeling there's another toy here in hell and i'm going to find it.
Charlie: be careful Lucinda it could be dangerous.
Lucinda: I promise Charlie wish me luck it could be Huggy or who knows. Lucinda walked outside and brought out her wings as she flew off to find the toy.

*out in town*

Lucinda landed on the ground then saw the toy it was small and she held out her hand to it.
Lucinda: it's okay I won't hurt you what's your name?
BC: i'm Bumble Cat.
Lucinda: I see cause your a cat bee that's cute come on I'm taking you home you'll be safe with me. Lucinda picked up Bumble and carried her home.

*at the hotel*

everyone was busy and Lucinda went up to her room as she set Bumble down and held her stuffed Huggy.
Lucinda: hey guys what's going on?
Vaggie: oh just a party since we've all been working her blus your friend Bee offered to throw a party here for us, so we're just setting things up.
Lucinda: right so need any help?
Vaggie: yeah can you help Husk with the decorations?
Lucinda: sure Vaggie. Lucinda let her wings out and flew to help Husk with the decorations then she went to help with the food and brought out everything she helped make, then placed everything onto he table while petting Keekee as she was on Lucinda's shoulder.
Charlie: alright everything looks good now all we have to do is get ourselves ready.
Angel: not a problem hey Lucinda what're you going to wear for the party?
Lucinda: your not going to get me to wear a dress Angel i'm stubborn.
Angel: we'll see about that. Lucinda went with Angel and they came back wearing their outfits for the party Lucinda was wearing a black dress that stopped above her knees along with knee high heeled boots and a choker with a moon on it, even with fingerless wrist length gloves Lucinda's hair was done up in a wavy ponytail as she had her bangs down.
Charlie: wow Lucinda look at you love the outfit.
Angel: she looks great a too dark for my taste but Lucy here pulls it off.
Lucinda: it's not my fault I prefer black pink is you and Molly's thing not mine plus it looks better on Picky and Fat Nuggets. the party had begun and everyone brought their own dishes and set them on the table.

Bee: hey Lucy!
Lucinda: Bee! they both hugged each other then got a drink.
Bee: I never thought about having a party here with good friends but can your big bro beat me in my own game.
Lucinda: Loona told me about what Blitz did that idiot he shouldn't of drank five gallons of who knows what, but if you tried to beat Angel good luck him, Cherri and Husk can handle their drinks. I never drank once.
Bee: well your only sixteen so I wouldn't advise it. everyone was having fun and Lucinda went up to her den as she sat down on the couch and knew what to do.
Lucinda: hey guys how about a song?
Loona: go for it Lucinda! Alastor walked over to a piano and Lucinda smiled as she took his hand and walked over to the microphone as she got ready to sing.

The morning cold and raining,
Dark before the dawn could come
How long in twilight waiting
Longing for the rising sun
Ohoh ohoh

You came like crashing thunder
Breaking through these walls of stone
You came with wide eyed wonder
Into all this great unknown
Ohoh ohoh

Hush now don't you be afraid
I promise you I'll always stay
I'll never be that far away
I'm right here with you

You're so amazing you shine like the stars
You're so amazing the beauty you are
You came blazing right into my heart
You're so amazing you are...
You are

You came from heaven shining
Breath of God still flows from you
The beating heart inside me
Crumbled at this one so new
Ohoh ohoh
No matter where how far you wander
For a thousand years or longer
I will always be there for you
Right here with you

You're so amazing you shine like the stars
You're so amazing the beauty you are
You came blazing right into my heart
You're so amazing you are...

I hope your tears are few and fast
I hope your dreams come true and last
I hope you find love that goes on and on and on and on and on
I hope you wish on every star
I hope you never fall too far
I hope this world can see how wonderful you are

You're so amazing you shine like the stars
You're so amazing the beauty you are
You came blazing right into my heart
You're so amazing...

You're so amazing you shine like the stars
You're so amazing the beauty you are
You came blazing right into my heart
You're so amazing you are...
You are

after Lucinda had finished singing everyone cheered for her and she waved at them, then was put onto Vortex's shoulder as he carried her around.
Vortex: let's give it up for our little princess Lucinda!
Charlie: woo that's my little sister!
Vaggie: you are the best Lucinda! Lucinda laughed a bit and waved at everyone as she hugged Vortex.

Charlie Morningstar x OC sisterWhere stories live. Discover now