chapter 13

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Lucinda was with Blitz and the others as Catnap was on her shoulder disguised as a normal cat, as they were trying to find the target.
Catnap: this is pointless Lucinda and I should be home why invite us Blitz.
Blitz: I wanted to thank Lucinda for saving my ass alright besides she's a good kid.
Lucinda: look Blitz i'm heading home you ugys are on your own never bring me into this again, being an assassian is not my thing magic is and everyone back home expects the better of me being their princess. but I should go help Blitz there could be a crazed human and I am not loosing my friends. Lucinda went back up to earth and heard screams knowing it was Blitz Lucinda ran towards them and cut the human, as she glared them while her horns were out.
Allen: another demon but a really pretty one.
Lucinda: drop it I'm only sixteen so back off. Lucinda was fighting Allen and she kicked him back then she saw a shot heading towards Blitz as she stood in front of him, then felt herself get stabbed by her sword.
Allen: go back to where you belong demons. the sword was removed from Lucinda and she fell to the ground Catnap attacked Allen as he walked over to Lucinda.
Blitz: you okay kiddo?
Lucinda: not really oh Mom and Dad would just flip if they saw me like this.
Loona: don't worry we're gonna get you home. can you walk? Lucinda tried to get up and almost fell until Loona caught her.
Moxxie: you might have a wound on your leg.
Lucinda: yeah I cut my leg on some glass when I was trying to get too you guys, ngh it hurts a piece of glass stabbed my leg and i'm in a lot of pain. Blitz helped Lucinda as they walked back through the portal and Blitz helped Lucinda sit down so her wounds could be taken care of.

*at I.M.P*

after Lucinda's wounds were taken care of Vortex and Bee walked as they saw Lucinda was asleep due to how much pain she was in, Bee gently put a hand on Lucinda's head.
Bee: poor thing how did this happen?
Loona: demon crazed bastard did this too her but he's dead. can you guys get Lucinda home I think Charlie might be worried about her. Vortex gently picked up Lucinda and Bee picked up Catnap as they left and went to the hotel.

*at the hotel*

as they both arrived Bee knocked on the door and Vaggie opened it to see Lucinda in Vortex's arms.
Vaggie:oh shit is Lucinda alright?
Vortex: she got hurt fighting a demon crazed human she was was trying to protect them, and from what I can tell the cat has blood on his claws.
Vaggie: yeah he can be vicious sometimes only when it comes too Lucinda but thank you both for bringing her home, Angel can show you Lucinda's room I have prepare Charlie for the news. Angel showed Bee and Vortex too Lucinda's room and he gently laid her down in bed then Angel covered Lucinda with her blanket, as Catnap had his claws cleaned up and jumped onto the bed as he looked worried at Lucinda.
Bee: is she going to be alright?
Angel: she'll be alright Lucinda's a tough girl she's just like her old man even her Mom so I will let you both know when she's alright, and you can come visit the same with Loona. right now we should let Lucinda sleep she is a little sister too me. they all left Lucinda's room and all the smiling critters came in as they laid with Lucinda they all worried about her.
Picky: is she going to be alright?
Catnap: I don't know she passed out when we got back to I.M.P her wounds were taken care thanks to Millie and Moxxie they patched her up, thankfully but right now let's get some sleep and hopefully Lucinda wakes up in the morning.

*next day*

it was now morning and Lucinda was still asleep both Charlie and Vaggie were checking on her only to see that she was still asleep, they walked over and Charlie gently moved some hair out of Lucinda's face.
Hoppy: I don't understand I thought she'd be awake by now.
Vaggie: so did we Hoppy but it doesn't make any sense Lucinda please wake up can you hear me? Lucinda didn't move nor stir it worried the girls and the critters Charlie called Stolas and he had arrived the same with Bee and Asmodeous.
Charlie: thank you all for coming we have a big problem.
Asmodeus: what's wrong?
Vaggie: it's Lucinda she won't wake up even Angel tried an air horn but it didn't work Bubba tried making an elephant noise that didn't work either.
Stolas: let us see her. Charlie and Vaggie showed them to Lucinda's room and they saw she wasn't moving.
Charlie: she's been like this since yesterday and we can't figure out why.
Stolas: let us see what we can do. Bee and Asmodeus went first but couldn't find out what was wrong with Lucinda then Stolas tried and he found something that shocked him.
Bee: what is it?
Stolas: it seems someone put Lucinda in a coma like trance but it's not that something far worse.
Vaggie: what?
Stolas: her soul is missing someone stole it could be someone in hell must have it.
Vaggie: unless it was someone in heaven who took it.
Charlie: i'm going up there and getting my sister back.

*up in Heaven*

Sera: what your sister's soul is missing but how?
Charlie: that we can't figure out I have a feeling someone took it.
Emily: could it be one of the overlords in hell?
Vaggie: could be but it wasn't Alastor he cares about Lucinda we just need to find out who.
Sera: good luck to you both. the girls went back to hell and wondered who took Lucinda's soul.

*at the studio*

Velvette: Vox what are you holding?
Vox: found this on the table wait a minute is this the young princesses soul?
Velvette: what but how she's only sixteen way too young for this kind of thing. this needs to be returned to Lucinda or else we're going to facing a pissed off King.
Valentino: it's only a extra measure to make Angel Dust come back I know how much he care about the younger Princessa.
Velvette: you have no idea what you've done Lucifer is going to be pissed more likely the cat.
Vox: (shivers) his true form is terrifying i'd give him that. but you take this back to the kid before Lucifer arrives pissed off about this. Velvette took the jar and knew what to do she went to the hotel and gave the jar to Angel as he looked at it.

*in Lucinda's room*

Angel walked in too see Charlie and Vaggie asleep on the couch in Lucinda's room as he opened the jar and Lucinda's soul went back into her body, as Lucinda's hand twitched a bit Angel sat down next to her.
Angel: Lucinda wake up can you hear me? Lucinda groaned and her eyes fluttered open as Lilith and Lucifer came in to see Lucinda waking up.
Lilith: Lucinda my baby!
Lucinda: Mom?
Lilith: we're here sweetheart.
Lucifer: oh Lucinda we were so worried about you.
Angel: she's going to be alright her souls back and for now get some sleep you need it but in the morning I shall make you a big breakfast.
Lucinda: thanks Angel your the best big brother I ever had. Lucifer covered Lucinda and she went to sleep then both him and Lilith kissed their girls on the head as they left.

*next day*

it was now morning and Lucinda woke up as she smiled seeing Charlie and Vaggie still sleeping she got an idea, then picked up Dogday and Catnap as she told them the plan and they agreed to it as they both got their tails ready. Lucinda gave them a thumbs up then they tickled the girls noses as they sneezed and jolted forward as Lucinda caught Dogday and held him close while, scratching behind his ear as Dogay's tail wagged a bit.
Vaggie: Lucinda your awake.
Lucinda: yeah my soul was returned to me I don't know how but i'm glad it was. but let's head down for breakfast Hoppy, Bobby, Picky, Bubba, Kicken wake up you too Keekee unless you wanna miss breakfast.
Picky: breakfast! they all ran out the room while the girls were laughing then went downstairs to join everyone.
Husk: look who's up how ya feeling kiddo?
Lucinda: much better thanks Husk but I am as hungry as Picky I could eat. Angel came in with plates and set them down so everyone can eat even Bee helped out a bit.
Bee: hey honey how ya feeling?
Lucinda: better what smells so good?
Angel: that would be breakfast Bee here helped me out even Molly so eat up Lucy. everyone was eating breakfast and Catnap stole a donut from Lucinda as she playfully glared at him.
Lucinda: Catnap that was mine.
Catnap: not anymore (eats donut) that was good. Lucinda grabbed another donut and ate it before Catnap stole it again after breakfast everyone was, doing their own thing and Lucinda was in her den playing her violin while remembering the fun she had playing with Lucifer. the sound of the melody brought back wonderful memories.
Lucinda: hey Catnap you and the others wanna head down to Lust with me Asmodeous said he wanted to see me.
Catnap: sure we could use a day out of the hotel.

Lucinda: alright well I better get ready to leave and get out of my pajamas. Lucinda got changed and put on an outfit which was just black pants and purple visor with a black crop top underneath, along with her necklace.

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