chapter 1

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it was another day in hell and Lucinda was in her room while waiting for everyone to come back, but she wasn't alone Lucinda had a babysitter and she was wondering how the interview went. a knock was heard on her door and saw it was Molly Angel's sister as she walked over to Lucinda.
Molly: Lucinda i made you some lunch you should eat something before Charlie comes back.
Lucinda: kay i'm just nervous about Charlie Katie Killjoy is a big bully.
Molly: yeah she is but come on i made your favorite. Lucinda took Molly's lower right hand and walked down to the kitchen as they both were enjoying some lunch, then heard the doors open and saw everyone come in.
Angel: hey Molls thanks for helping out.
Molly: sure thing Angie i love spending time with Lucinda she's a sweetie oh and i made sure she ate some lunch.
Charlie: thank you your a big help Molly now i see why Angel recommended you. Molly told everyone bye and hugged Lucinda first before she left then Lucinda saw how upset Charlie was and walked over to her big sister, then gave Charlie a hug as she hugged Lucinda back.
Charlie: why don't you go see Vaggie i'm sure she could use a hug. Lucinda walked over to Vaggie then got picked up by Angel as he set her down on the couch.
Lucinda: you okay Vaggie?
Vaggie: not really Lucinda just a little aggravated since Angel was in a turf war and made the hotel look like a fucking joke!
Lucinda: well i think the hotel will work i hope but i don't like the angels not after what Mommy told me, i just wonder if Mommy is alright. Angel looked at Lucinda and gently put a hand on her head as she looked at him.
Angel: i'm sure she's alright your a bit like her and you look like your Mom too. Lucinda looked at the family portrait and put her hand on the frame as she looked at Lilith, then heard the door open and close.
Charlie: hey Vaggie.
Vaggie: what?

Charlie: the radio demon is at the door.
Lucinda/Vaggie: what?!
Charlie: what should i do?
Vaggie: well don't let him in. Lucinda was next to Angel and she was scared Lucinda heard about the radio demon and she was afraid he'd hurt Charlie.
Alastor: well i see the young princess is here hello sweetheart i'm Alastor. Lucinda ran and hid behind Charlie while holding onto her pants.
Charlie: sorry she's just a bit scared Lucinda never met the other overlords she's only six years old.
Alastor: understandable now i would like to talk to you about the hotel.
Charlie: right uh Lucinda go sit with Vaggie and Angel i'm sure we'll find Keekee and play with her later. Lucinda ran over to Vaggie and Angel then sat down next to them.

*a week later*

Lucinda was petting Keekee while sitting in her room then heard yelling and went to see what it was, only to see Angel and Vaggie arguing again Keekee jumped onto Lucinda's shoulder as she nuzzled her.
Vaggie: ugh Angel we are not doing your idea there is a child in the hotel and you know Lucinda is only six years old, she doesn't understand your line of work.
Angel: she became like a little sister too me i don't want her too see what happens at my work, trust me she'll be scarred and i don't want that. Lucinda smiled and looked at Keekee then told her to help her out, Lucinda ran to her room, and decided to make something for Angel once Lucinda was done she walked downstairs and but didn't see Angel there and knew he had to be in his room. Lucinda walked over to his door and knocked on the door which caught his attention then Angel walked over and opened the door to see Lucinda standing in front of his door.
Angel: hey kid what're you doing here?
Lucinda: i made you something Angel. (holds out drawing) this is for you i drew it myself. Angel took the picture and saw it was him along with Molly, Fat Nuggets and Lucinda he smiled and picked her up as Angel hugged her.
Angel: thanks Lucinda your too sweet for Hell i hope you know that. Angel tickled Lucinda as she laughed and hugged Angel as he held her close then carried her into his room, Angel sat down with Lucinda on the bed at they talked and Lucinda was playing with Fat Nuggets. everyone was eating dinner and they all heard something Angel looked and saw it was his phone then got scared for a bit.
Angel: listen i gotta go and Charlie please don't follow me i don't want you getting hurt.
Charlie: alright but if something happens just let me know. Angel nodded and went to the studios knowing he had to keep Lucinda away from his boss.

*tiny time skip*

after Angel had gotten back he heard the TV was on and saw that Lucinda had fallen asleep on the couch as he walked over to her, and gently picked her up Keekee looked at Angel.
Angel: shh don't wake her up come on Keekee let's head up to her room. Angel was carrying Lucinda to her room then heard Vaggie's voice and told her to be quiet other wise she'd wake up Lucinda.
Vaggie: she waited for you Lucinda really was worried about you. (looks at Angel's face) the fuck happened to your face?
Angel: (sigh) Val beat me and let's not tell Lucinda she'd be upset about it and i don't want her near Val, he could hurt her she's too young to be near the studio trust me. now help me put her too bed. Vaggie helped Angel put Lucinda to bed and he covered her with the blanket as she was all curled up in bed Vaggie put her favorite stuffed animal next to her, as Lucinda hugged it close Angel moved her hair out of the way as Lucinda moved a bit.
Angel: sweet dreams kiddo.
Vaggie: if your boss comes here and hurts Lucinda it's going to piss off Stolas he's her scary godfather, and i don't think we'd want to see an angry owl.
Angel: Lucinda told me about him and i don't want him to get angry most likely at me. they both went to bed but they didn't know that Stolas was going to visit everyone at the hotel.

*next day*

Charlie was walking to Lucinda's room to see that she was still asleep Charlie walked over and gently shook her little sister, then Lucinda woke up while yawning then saw Charlie smiling down at her.
Lucinda: (yawns) morning Charlie.
Charlie: morning sleepyhead i told you to go to bed last night but i'm guessing you were worried about Angel.
Lucinda: i was and i don't like what Valentino does too him but i'm too little to do anything about it, i really think of him as a big brother. Charlie put a hand on Lucinda's back as she smiled at her sister.
Charlie: but guess what we're going to have a visitor.
Lucinda: who is it Mommy or Daddy?
Charlie: it's actually Stolas he's coming to see you. Lucinda jumped out of bed which made Charlie chuckle at how silly her little sister can be and helped her get ready then put on her barrett in her, hair and knew she was excited to see Stolas then they both walked down to the lobby and a knock was heard on the door.
Vaggie: i got it.
Stolas: hello is this the hazbin hotel?
Vaggie: it is and you must be Stolas welcome Lucinda's been excited to see you again.
Stolas: i can only imagine now where is the precious child.
Lucinda: Uncle Stolas! Stolas kneeled down and picked up Lucinda as she hugged him.
Stolas: oh look at you you've gotten so big i missed you Lucy.
Lucinda: i missed you too Uncle Stolas but have you heard anything from Mommy i really miss her.
Stolas: i know you do Lucinda but i know she's out there somewhere trying to keep her most precious treasures safe. Lucinda and Charlie both smiled at each then heard a gun shot which scared Lucinda and she held onto Stolas.

Valentino: so this is where you've been hiding.
Stolas: so your the one Lucinda has told me about she's right you are cruel to your employees.
Valentino: aw the little princess think she's so big and strong well your just a little pest.
Charlie: don't you dare talk about my sister like that! Stolas put Lucinda down as she hid behind him.
Angel: Val please just leave Lucinda alone she's just a kid and look leave her be. Angel got smacked acrossed his face then Lucinda saw it and she felt really angry at him for hurting her big brother.
Lucinda: your nothing but a very bad man your not even an overlord your nothing but abussive! Valentino glared at Lucinda then smacked her into a wall which made her hurt Alastor saw it even everyone else, as they all ran to Lucinda Stolas was pissed off then fought Valentino in his full demon form. Angel picked up his gun and shot at Valentino a shot went through his head then he fell to the ground as everyone saw it was an imp that was holding a blessed weapon.
Moxxie: you alright your highness?
Stolas: i'm alright but the little princess is hurt. Millie walked over and checked on Lucinda.
Millie: she has a gash on her arm but she's going to be alright. Loona walked over and gently picked up Lucinda as she was hurting.
Stolas: Blitz how did you know we would need help?
Blitz: you have your way and i have mine also i saw him coming to the door.

Charlie Morningstar x OC sisterWhere stories live. Discover now