Journey To Mount Sagiri

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Nezuko pov:

'I was walking down the road while the sun shined beautifully on me, I found a farmer and near him was something I
useful for me'


"u-uhm hello sir?"

guy:"hello there young girl! is there anything you need help with?"

n"uhh umm" (i-is it really alright to ask?)

guy:"is there something wrong?"

"I-I wanted to ask, is the basket f-for sale?"

guy:"oh that? it's not for sale because it's practically useless since it has holes"

"It's fine! I can just fix it, hoe much does it cost?"

guy:"uhh I can give it to you for free"

"n-no! I can-"

guy:*hands her the basket* "nah I don't need it it's fine you look like you need it more than me, keep the money I have enough"

{ I don't know if he does I just made it up}

*grabs the basket* "o-oh well thanks mister! and by the way do you happen to know where a mountain called Sagiri is at?"

guy:"yeah it in that direction" *points where the mountain is*

"okay thanks for the information!"

'I left the guy and walked back from where I came, I was unsure if I should trust him or not since mom did teach us to never trust strangers but tanjiro has it easier If I recall so I asked myself what it's like for big brother to talk to strangers, I pushed those thoughts away and continue my walk, a few minutes passed and I made it back to the cave where big brother is'

"big brother? are you in there?"


"ah good! I found a guy and he gave me a basket for free"


'ever since I buried my family me and tanjiro made our way to the mountain that tomioko-san told big brother about, although we had to stop our journey because the sun came up but thankfully the cave was nearby and tanjiro immediately went there and hid in the shadows far enough so that the light won't hit him, I have also began to understand his muffling only somewhat'

"yeah I know I know, I should've given him some money but he said that the basket had holes in them and I didn't know what to do! it was my first time talking to a total new stranger"


"okay I didn't understand stand that one, anyways just sit tight I'll fix the basket so that we can continue under the sunlight"

{please forgive me I don't remember what tanjiro used to repair the basket so let's just skip that part}

'it took me a few hours but I finally finished fixing the damn thing, I was a bit clumsy and got a tiny scratch but none of that mattered, I brought the basket near the cave so that big brother can get inside of it'

"okay big brother I finished! can you get in here?"



tanjiro:*shows nezuko the size comparison*

"........ohhhh.....crap, what do we do now?"

'I made big mistake of getting a basket that isn't large enough to fit tanjiro, he was in deep thought I presume that he was thinking of what to do until he came up with an Idea'

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