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Greetings mates. I apologise for taking so long to update a chapter. I wish not to burden y'all with my personal matters so all I can say is that I am currently unable to write even a 500 words worth of a chapter. That's how busy I am. However, to make it up to y'all, I believe a little information on the story won't cause me any trouble.

Firstly, I'm sorry for those who's hearts will be broken because believe you me, it will not end the way you might be expecting it to. There will be character death as well as a show of depression. Don't ask the who's and how's please😂.

I am aware that there hasn't been much updates on Jennie, so I apologise to those who love her as well as those who expected to read more about her. She will be showing, just not as much as she was because I believe that the issues she was faced with at the beginning of the story were confronted and dealt with.

Nonetheless, I thank you all for the support.

Please stay safe and happy.

Peace and love mates;⁠)

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