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In the heart of the slums, a breathtaking panorama unfolded—a vast field painted in a riot of colors, where vibrant flowers bathed in the generous embrace of the sun's brilliance and warmth. Standing prominently amidst this natural spectacle, a dilapidated cathedral bore witness to the paradox of beauty and decay.

Meike, her spirit effervescent, joyfully hopped and skipped toward the Cathedral Exa of Scrap Town, a scene I absorbed with delight as I strolled in her wake. Unable to contain my awe, I whispered, "This seems like a glimpse of paradise in the midst of despair."

A radiant smile played on Meike's lips as she replied, "Isn't it just that? This is the only haven here in Scrap Town where flowers bloom. I believe it's infused with a divine energy, being a Cathedral Exa and all."

Cathedral Exas, sacred places devoted to the worship of the Goddess Exceria, whispered tales of ancient sanctity. Gazelle had once shared with me that these sanctuaries remained sealed for tens of thousands of years until the enactment of the Dragonoid Rights Law. Since its revival, more than sixty-three Cathedral Exas had been rediscovered across the planet, each a testament to the rekindled connection with the divine.

The cathedral's entrance stood open, devoid of doors, revealing its interior even from a mere three meters away. The scene inside was one of desolation: shattered pews strewn haphazardly, fragmented stained-glass windows casting fractured rainbows across the floor, and the once revered cross of Exceria now lay forsaken on the ground. An unsettling aura permeated the air, compelling us to retreat without venturing further.

My gaze shifted upward to the aging bell tower, its posture slightly askew, perhaps succumbing to the whims of a fragile foundation. Yet, despite its apparent frailty, it emanated a resolute crimson beam of light, piercing the sky with an undiminished vigor.

Pausing, Meike retraced her steps to stand beside me, her head tilting inquisitively. "Doesn't the bell tower intrigue you?" she asked.

A playful smile curved my lips as I responded, "It does hold a certain mystique, but Gazelle once enlightened me on its secrets."

Eyes alight with curiosity, Meike implored, "Do share! I'm all ears."

Chuckling softly, I countered, "First, enlighten me. What have you heard?"

A thoughtful expression crossed Meike's face as she folded her arms. "All I've gathered is that these towers serve as broadcast stations for the Supreme Commander's declaration of war against humanity. And they're also the catalyst for dragonoids' transformations, bypassing the need for a Vesryn Pulse."

"Exactly," I affirmed, nodding. "Each bell tower houses an artificial heart designed to emit an Artificial Vesryn Pulse within a five-kilometer radius. This triggers the transformation of dragonoids, like you, into your formidable dragon forms. The radiant crimson light enveloping the towers signifies the activation of his Dragon Lord Commandment and the Eye of Deus."

Meike raised an eyebrow, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "Quite daring of you to reveal such classified information."

Smiling wryly, I replied, "Given that we're allies, I feel comfortable sharing what Gazelle imparted to me."

Meike hesitated, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. "Well, about that..."

Concern creased my brow as I prompted, "What's troubling you, Meike?"

"I may be a dragonoid, aligned by nature, but I've chosen not to engage directly in this war. Violence doesn't sit well with me," Meike confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora