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The Trailblazer Dragon unfurled its expansive blue wings, from which brilliant blue flames radiated. As we descended upon the cityscape, the dragon's luminescent blue contrails painted a vivid path in the sky, catching the attention of the fifteen dragon guardians stationed at the bell tower.

"Raaaaah!" A cacophonous roar erupted from the alerted dragons as they charged their mouths with a kaleidoscope of elemental energy—fire, earth, water, ice, lightning, and air coalescing into lethal projectiles hurtling toward us.

"Trailblaze Accel!" I proclaimed with unwavering determination. In a heartbeat, we plummeted at breakneck speed, weaving effortlessly through the barrage of elemental bombs unleashed by the defenders. Our velocity intensified, propelling us toward the city at an exhilarating pace.

Recognizing the inadequacy of their offensive strategy, the fifteen dragons converged into a formidable formation, their bodies aligning in a fifteen-sided star. In unison, they intoned telepathically, "Fifteenfold Dragonoid Barrier!" 

A surge of crimson light emanated from their chests, intertwining in a mesmerizing display that connected each dragon's heart, forming a radiant magical circle. From above, it resembled a dazzling laser show, but in truth, it constituted an impenetrable barrier crafted from pure, concentrated magic.

"Lysander, what should we do with that?" I inquired.

"In the previous timeline, they used this kind of magical barrier to protect the bell towers. It will leave the casters vulnerable, so leave it to me. Focus on taking down the bell tower," responded the Trailblazer Dragon through telepathy.

"Got it," I affirmed, securing my golden hair behind my left ear. With my right hand, I drew the pistol from its holster, fixing my gaze on the bell tower three kilometers below. Calculating wind direction, velocity, altitude, our elevation, target and ambient temperature, I took a deep breath and began channeling magic enhancement step by step for this crucial shot.

"Wind Enhancement. Phasing Bullet. Rail Magnum," I chanted, each enhancement marked by a distinct magical circle. The pistol now sported a green, then a blue, and finally a white magical circle. I had stacked magical buffs to stabilize the myriad variables at play, my iron sights locked onto the distant bell tower.

The Trailblazer Dragon surged forward at full speed, heedless of the impending magical barrier. Azure eyes blazing, the dragon charged a bluish-white flame in its mouth, ready to confront the obstacle head-on.

With an explosive burst, my Trailblazer Dragon released a dispersed Baryon Blaze, engulfing a vast area in its devastating nuclear shower. The opposing dragons disintegrated under the onslaught, and their protective barrier shattered instantly, crumbling like fragile glass.

"Now!" roared the Trailblazer Dragon telepathically, signaling our moment of opportunity.

"Trailblaze Arrow!" I exclaimed, as luminous blue Wings of Light materialized on either side of my pistol. A bluish-white arrow of radiant energy surged forth, effortlessly piercing through the resistance of the wind. Its passage left behind a trail of blue flames, marking its swift trajectory.

While the Nova Arrow from my Vesryn Pulse with Alris might surpass it in sheer destructive force, the Trailblazer Arrow excelled in speed, outpacing any Nova Arrow I had ever unleashed. It represented the epitome of balanced, devastating projectile magic at my disposal.

With a subtle whistle, the Trailblaze Arrow struck the bell tower, triggering a cataclysmic explosion that transformed the once-imposing structure into a mere scattering of debris and a gaping crater, obliterating its menacing presence.

My Trailblazer Dragon unfurled its wings, arresting our descent before ascending with a powerful beat of its wings, allowing us to hover triumphantly above Goldcliff City.

"Good hit, Captain. Bell tower has been neutralized," Charlotte's voice resonated through the radio, relief palpable in her tone.

Exhaling deeply, I tapped the headset nestled in my left ear. "Baseplate, be advised. Bell tower has been neutralized. I repeat, bell tower has been neutralized."

"Copy that, Daybreaker Squad," responded Madam Corasell, codename Baseplate, her voice steady yet tinged with satisfaction. She then broadcasted across all channels, "All units, we are now free to retake Goldcliff City. I repeat, weapons free."

In an instant, tanks shrouded in invisibility magic emerged, resembling hungry alligators poised to strike. They encircled the city's entrances and exits, their presence an undeniable assertion of our advantage. Human soldiers surged forth, their resolve unyielding as they pressed on, reclaiming the city with the scales of war now decisively tipped in our favor.


Three hours of intense battle culminated in the triumphant reclaiming of Goldcliff City by the human empire. Exhausted yet victorious, the Daybreaker Squad returned to the Mothership S.S. Liberty to rendezvous with Madam Corasell and her dragonoid companion, Eva. As we ascended onto the deck, a palpable sense of accomplishment enveloped us.

Eva was a striking figure, her long purple hair secured in ponytails framing a pair of crimson eyes behind square-framed glasses. Dressed in the same black and white military uniform as us, she exuded an air of youthful authority, belying the fact that she was secretly in her thirties. Since the Dragonoid Liberation War, she had been Madam Corasell's steadfast dragonoid partner. Aware of her sensitivity about age, I knew better than to bring it up—unless, of course, I was in the mood to ruffle her feathers.

"Congratulations for a job well done, Captain Hiraya Misteltein," Madam Corasell declared, flipping her fans open in a characteristic display of flair.

"Thank you, Madam Corasell," I responded, my smile reflecting a sense of pride.

Eva, however, was less than impressed. "Still, that took three hours. Your briefing only stated that we would finish this war in thirty minutes," she remarked, her voice tinged with impatience.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry about that," I interjected, breaking the tension with a laugh. "Let's just say that we got a bit of constipation down the road."

"I get it, Hiraya," Eva retorted, her tone dripping with sass. "You don't have to cover up your squad's fault." She leveled an accusatory finger at Lysander, her crimson eyes ablaze with disdain. "This poopy pants ruined everything!"

Lysander, clearly embarrassed, attempted to defend himself. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I just had a shitty day." Laughter erupted behind him, undoubtedly from Kate, Charlotte, and Gaeun, who seemed to find the situation amusing.

Rolling my eyes, I adopted a stern expression and rested my hands on my hips. "What's with you anyway?" I demanded, directing my glare at Lysander. "How did you end up hugging the toilet so much today?"

Caught off guard, Lysander stammered, "Uh, hahaha. You want the long version or the short version?"

Reluctant to dive into unnecessary details, I opted for brevity. "The short one, I guess?"

"Shit's fucked," Lysander blurted out, leaving little to the imagination.

Madam Corasell quickly cleared her throat, her face a shade redder than before. "A-Ahem! That explanation will do, Mister Faradeiss. Let's move on to the main reason why I greeted you here."

The room's atmosphere shifted as the Daybreaker Squad ceased all activity, focusing intently on our handler. With a sense of gravity, Madam Corasell produced a letter adorned with the Royal Family's seal, signaling its origin from none other than the Empress herself.

"You are all invited to the grand opening of the Empire's Sanctuary by Empress Serenity Elkyria herself," she announced, emphasizing the significance of the occasion.

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now